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Topics - feralheartgamer

Pages: [1]
Game Help / new desktop
« on: January 20, 2016, 08:34:12 am »
Hey guys!
wow its been ages since i have been on feral heart website, anyway im thinking about buying this samsung windows 8 desktop, and im wondering if feralheart and others RPG games like wolfsoul and arokai (when it comes out) will work, because i have a mac laptop but its the school so i wont be able to keep it, and its update (el capitan) so it wont work, so yeah.
please help me out if you can im really desperate to play its been years!!

thank you!!

Game Help / my laptop wont charge when playing FH :/
« on: August 12, 2014, 08:37:14 am »
hey guys! this is the first time i have posted something on here.
anyway! i just got my laptop (mac) from getting it fixed becuase it would not charge and it still wont charge when i play feralheart. im not sure if i should reinstall it or not
please please help
thanks xoxxo

Pages: [1]