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Topics - ChaosDetermined

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Other Games / Krigare :: A Warriors RPG
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:24:34 am »

Are you interested in a traditional Warriors roleplay?
How about a close knit community that works together as a family?
Friendly staff and interesting roleplay?

Then head on to Krigare. Join one of the four Clans or play as a Rogue or Loner. Hunt and defend your Clan, start a family and climb the ranks. Be a true warrior of the forest!

Join us at a start your journey with the Clans TODAY!


Ever wanted to play a game as an animal? Ever wanted a game where you can roam the streets as your own custom made canine? Well, now you can! In Decoder Hounds, you play the life of a stray living in the streets of the city. Well, what does this came have to offer, you may ask. We have plenty to offer! Just continue reading.


When starting out, you will have the chance to make up to two custom canine characters. In the character creator, you will be able to choose the size of your character, name, markings and other little things making it different from the others. Colours in Decoder Hounds will be all natural, meaning you won't come by some pink and purple hound with long locks.
Our character creator will suit to your needs, allowing you to change eye style, ear style, body, tail and possibly even if your character has scars.
On top of that, you will have the choice of choosing if you wish to start out as a full grown adult or a pup. Stats will also be added, such as stamina, swiftness, ect. Your skills may also improve in game as you rank up. Once you're done in the character creator, it will be time to jump into the game!


Other players and their ranks~

You will have the choice to join a pack in game. These packs are divided in throughout the city, allowing each to have a little space of territory. This will, however, lead to some fighting for food and territory. Staff members will be chosen for higher ranks and will make decisions on such fights.
You will also have the choice to stay a stray and roam the streets yourself. This will be dangerous, but worth the time set aside.


PvP Will occur in game. Certain keys will be key in battle within the game. No, there won't be weapons. Pure tooth. But you may ask yourself 'But people will abuse this power and head off to other areas in the game just killing off characters!' If you are caught abusing PvP Powers, you will be kicked from the game. Each warning will end in a 12 hour ban if you continue your actions.
PvP Will not be enabled for pups.
EDIT: To remove the PvP Spam and abuse like in such games as Lif, there are going to be PvP requests sent to users who wish to engage in PvP With another user.


There will be a hunger and thirst bar that will need to be filled to survive. To find food, you will either be allowed to hunt small animals or scout for food throughout trashcans and small tibbits found on the street.
Thirst will be filled by drinking from puddles, rivers or ponds. Mind you, this may change during warmer months... (See WEATHER AND SEASONS).

Health, injury and sickness~~

A health bar will also be present. This will record how much health you have and it will lower with each injury you receive. It will also lower if your hunger or thirst bars are low, or if a sickness has gotten to you.
Sickness will be a rare in game. You will receive notification of your character catching said sickness at the time it happens.
Injuries and sickness will heal over time instead of having herbs or something silly like that. This is a stray dog game, not warriors.

Weather and Seasons~

There will be weather in the game depending on the season.  Let it be rain, snow, sun or even tornado weather!
During warmer seasons, the city is prone to drought. This will make it harder to find water or even food. During the colder months, however, it may be harder to find food thanks to people staying indoors.


Ah, yes. Our Lovely NPC's. There will be human and animal NPC's throughout the game, working to make survival a little harder.
Certain NPC's such as dog catchers, pets and humans will bring trouble to you for sure. More about the Dog catcher and pound will be explained below.

The pound~

If you aren't careful with where you step, you may end up in the pound. There will be a way to escape with both packmates saving you and a little secret way, also. But I won't be saying much about that.


Simple actions will be able to be preformed. Sit, lay, tail wag, ect will be in game. This will not only help create a realistic atmosphere, but will also add a little more fun into the game.


There WILL Be chatting in game! Hopefully you will be able to communicate and make a couple new friends while on your new journey. However, if you are caught saying profound, vile things, you will be kicked from the game for a certain amount of time.


Every dog has its day. From either starvation, dehydration, injury, sickness or even old age, a dog must go. Death will occur with one of these. There will be a cut scene with your character's last moments before sending you back to the title page where you will have the choice to create a new character or continue playing with one of your other characters.

Relationships with other Characters~~

There will be a relationship bar when you interact with another user. Every action you do will either raise the relationship or lower it to make either friends of enemies.
Once a relationship bar reaches the top, you will have the option to become mates with said users character and this will enable you to have pups.

Births and Pups~~

Yes, there will be birthing. After mating with a user, this will allow the female to become pregnant. After about three days in real time, you will give birth.
Birthing will lead to a cut scene and the amount of puppies will range.
Puppies, however, will be NPC's until you can find users to play them. After finding a user to play a puppy, there will be an option when you click on one of the puppies that asks if you wish to play one. Puppies, however, will add to your two characters. If you already have two characters, you will NOT Be able to play a puppy.

Any questions will be answered below, or on our website:

We ARE In need of Game designers who know their way around Blender or Unity! More will be added once seen fit.


Feb 16/14

 Model update! Enabled smooth shading for a nicer look, detached the ears and tail for easier switching, slightly fixed legs and feet.

Larger image can be seen in a new tab!

After lots of searching, I just happened to find the perfect model for us!


Other Games / Okina Yoso--Chat site in the making!
« on: August 30, 2013, 08:16:19 pm »
What is Okina Yoso?

Okina Yoso is a 2-D Chatsite where you can use 'avatars' to express yourself. The site is running under a large server known as 'Chatlands,' a site that  features more of these 2-D Chatlands.
Okina Yoso follows the theme of the four elements; Earth, Water, air and fire. The site will feature many different avatar or as known on Chatlands, pose sets. There will be many different rooms to venture out into and chat around with people.

Are you accepting admins at the moment?

At the moment, Admin Applications are closed. We have chosen our admins and have everything with them sorted out.

Is help needed?

Our ART staff (Art Review Team) Applications will be open soon, and our Forum Moderator applications are open at the moment as well.

Extra Information

Our forums are located here:
The chat is in the middle of being set up, and should be open to the public before Halloween!
Any questions on Okina Yoso, feel free to PM me on the forums under Pyralis, or on FeralHeart.

Introduction / Bouncing back!
« on: July 24, 2013, 11:11:44 pm »
Heya everyone! I left for quite some time and have been on hiatus for what, a year? Anyways, just letting you guys know I'll be back on and hopefully staying on. Ever since I starting looking through the FH Group on dA, I had the urge to get back on. Mind you, I may change my mind and go back on hiatus!

Poems / A soothing Song (PG-13 For gore!)
« on: June 14, 2012, 02:27:09 am »
Sanity, Who needs it?
With a blood dripping from open palms, the blackened smile on your face.
Was it worth it? Yes.
All you care about is gone, gone like the soothing sounds of his heartbeat. Gone.
Pain, Insanity and the coldness that fills you.
Lost ids all you feel..But will it turn out like it once had?
No. You are trapped forever.

Introduction / I'm Back!~
« on: June 13, 2012, 10:42:11 pm »
So, I have gotten internet now and I am going to be super active! (yay I think..?) XD Feel free to find me as Chaos Or Death-Kun!

Introduction / Hey All! ~~C|H|A|O|S D|E|T|E|R|M|I|N|E|D~~
« on: March 15, 2012, 03:09:44 am »
Greetings all! I am ChaosDetermined, Proud owner of my many Fursona's and Charecters!

Heya! I'm ChaosDetermined, Player of FeralhearT (No duh!) Scroll Down to see Everything about my FeralHeart Charries, Fursona's In the Work and a few importiant Threads of mine!

~Table of contents~

~FeralHearts Charries And Bios

~FeralHeart charries in progress

~How Chaos Became Chaos Determined

~Importiant Threads Of Mine


Meet a few of My FH charries that are active right now!

Mate to Verdera

~~Why should I care about making the world happy when I make it colder?~

I am Chaos, Hellhound in the group ~HeLlHoUnDs~. I am dark, I have a cold heart and I shall never stand down infront of the cowards. Why should I bother with something like the world or family? I feel nothing but hatred.


~~I feel no pain. I am Emotionless.~~

Greetings. I am Phsycopathy, Leader of the Land Rouges. I stay to myself and dont say much. When I do my voice is gruff and shows nothing. I am not looking for a mate at the moment because of my emotionless figure. I am Free.

None at The moment!


My Fursona, Chaos is darkened by his power. He was always determined to get something done so I just came up with the name!

None At the Moment!

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