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Topics - GeekGirl

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The Outlandic Shadows
« on: May 20, 2014, 10:42:45 am »
Shadows of the Outlands

Through the seasons, through the storms.
Through times of peace and times of war.
Beside our friends, or against our foes.
Together we stand, so that the world will know.

The forest is not just our home, but our kingdom. Through the trees and the foliage we run free. Every cave our den, every stream is our drink, and every crevice hides our prey. This territory is ours.

In the days of heat meadows of flowers bloom, filling the air with sweet smells that attract many prey sources out into the open. Food is plentiful, our bellies grow fat, and the pack thrives.

In the days of snow the tall trees of green have turned barren and brown. Smaller streams have frozen over, prey hides from the chilling wind that bites through even our thick fur, and the pack may struggle. Some go hungry, some fall ill, and some do not make it to the time of melting ice.

This forest we live in is many things. It is our savior and our demise. None the less, it is ours to rule and protect. It is where we will live and die. Most important, above all else, it is where the pack will survive.

About the Roleplay

This pack is for mature, experienced role-players. We are still a new pack, but we are thriving. Due to our high level of activity, our site and pack is constantly under construction. This means it will be changing, updated, and edited frequently. To ensure you stay up to date, and that our plot continues at a smooth, steady pace... This role-play is only suited to those who can be active several days a week. Not just in-game but also on the site.

We are for those with a high level of literacy. Keeping a balanced amount of description is what separates regular role-players from the good ones. You want to have enough description to clearly paint a picture, but not so much that it gets boring.

All players will need to have a realistic sense of their characters capablities as well as a realistic sense of the scenarios they find their characters in.

We do not care what kind of markings your character has, we only care that you don't have bright, neon coloring.

Our pack as a unique system of ranks, rules, and beliefs. All those who partake in the RP must abide by these beleifs, rules, and ranks.

We are currently in a temporary map, while we have one being made. For more information about our expected map you can look here:

What We Are Looking For

Members - To join the pack please list the following in a post below.

1. Username
2. Character Name
3. RP sample (It will be ran through a copy right program to make sure you did not plagiarize. ) The scene I would like your sample to be is: You were crossing a frozen river when the ice started to crack.
4. Physical/Personality Description
5. Desired Rank
6. Level of Activity.

Rival Pack - To become our rival and share our map please list the following in a post below.

1. Username
2. Character Name
3. Group Name
4. General Pack Information. (i.e literacy, realism, activity, number of members, etc.)
5. Rank
6. Describe what type of relationship would you like to have between our packs? Why are we rivals? etc.

Ally Pack - To become our ally and share our map please list the following in a post below.

1. Username
2. Character Name
3. Group Name
4. General Pack Information (i.e literacy, realism, activy, number of members, etc.)
5. Rank
6. Describe what type of relationship would you like to have between our packs? Why are we allies? etc.

Other Map Members - To be other random members of the map such as travelers (Lone wolves), bears, mountain lions, deer, etc. please list the follwoing in a post below.

1. Username
2. Character Name
3. Type of Creature
4. Level of Activity (Does not need to be high since you will be a random aspect of the environment and not a member of the pack)

If you have any questions feel free to comment below, private message me, or find me in-game. My username is GeekGirl

Request Maps / The Outlands
« on: May 19, 2014, 02:10:25 pm »
Twice I have tried to have this map made. The first time, the user made the map but something went wrong with the download to media fire. In any case, the map wasn't useable. The second time, it was a fellow 'alpha' in the pack the map as going to be made for. He has now disappeared. I do believe that he simply got busy with real life happenings and didn't just ditch me, but none the less I have a pack waiting on this map and I can no longer wait around hoping he will show up.

SO. With that being said, the map I would like would be a very large map with multiple portals. I understand it is a lot of work, but for anyone who would like to take on the task I ask that you do so as fast as you can. Not so fast that it compromises your work, of course, but the sooner we have the map the better. Note: This map will need to be done experienced map makers.

As the subject title suggests, I would like the title that appears in Cape to be 'The Outlands'.

Main Map:
This is the map where the two  or more packs will be centered. It will be for us an a rival/ally packs when the time comes. MapWidth: Bigish ._. MapHeigh: Varied. It is up to you, however you want to create the terrain. Animals: Ducks, fish, rabbits, deer, birds, snakes... anything that belongs in a forest.  <3

We are a realistic pack so we would like the main map to be realistic.  There are two or more camp sites, and in both I want at least 5 individual dens. The more the better though. The dens I would like to be set up almost like burrows, maybe having tree trunks scattered over them.  Also a few random crevices for prey or loners to hang out and live in. I would like there to be several streams and a lake or small ponds. Maybe little islands in the lake or ponds. It would be cool if you could incorporate rapids and waterfalls somewhere, like a hidden cave behind a waterfall or something. I want it to be fun. Lots of hidden places that hide portals that lead to more hidden places. Like a maze. This is a mostly wolf rp, but with other animals like bears, mountain lions, some prey animals, etc I would like the environment to be thick forest with lots of foliage.

Portal 1: Sanctuary:
This is a very spiritual, almost magical place. Where Shamans and the Council go to seek guidance, where new leaders go to be blessed, and where mates claim each other. Also were rituals are preformed, and the dead are buried. MapWidth: Can be fairly small I suppose. MapHeigh: Flatish I guess. Maybe a few small hills around the outside, or this could all take place on some platue? Up to your imagination.

Because of the spiritual sense of this, the over all map would most likely be unrealistic. I don't know if there is need for any dens, maybe just a place for them to lay down. I would like there to be some water source. Maybe a small pool fed by a trickling stream? I would like this area to be closed off like a cave, or crater, maybe a hidden valley between mountains blocked by logs and brush. or whatever you imagination creates. A special kind of forest area would work too. I do know though I do want there to be lots of colorful jems, and magick like symbols all over the place, strange glowing plants if possible, and sparkles. Lots of sparkles.:3

Portal 2: Mountains
This will be a realistic map as well. I would like there to be a few places for creatures to live. Maybe cave like areas. I would like there to be again, maybe some waterfall/river/water source. Where ever you think it would be good. I want the terrain to be rough, rocky terrain, sparse vegetation, maybe snowy tops and what not. MapWidth: Eh, medium. MapHeigh: Some peaks, valleys, and everything in between. Animals: Whichever you decide. Maybe mountain goats, etc?

Portal 3: The Cave
From the Mountains to the Cave. One of the caves in the mountain map I would like to have this portal, so that the cave goes deeper. Once again, I would like it to be realistic. Instead of dens there would be separate chambers, what you decide to put in them is up to you. As for water source, maybe an underground stream. Up to you. MapWidth: medium small. MapHeigh: Up to you. Animals: Cave creatures? Fish, bats, w.e... Up to you.

Portal 4: City
This map should be realistic with human crap. Barn, houses, cars. City stuff.  I don't know if you need a water source here, unless you put like a park down or something. In which case you could have a pond, maybe a river? Have a bridge that goes over it. What you see fit. MapWidth: Medium. MapHeight: Relatively flat. Animals: dogs, cats, birds, rats, humans, horses, cattle? This map should be connected to the main map.

Portal 5: Malfunctioned Sewage Plant
I would e this to be relisticish. It would be an old factory, with the marsh starting to grow on it, a few places for things to live.  lots of swampy water. Murky, nasty, swamp. MapWidth: medium. MapHeigh: flatish. Animals: rats, crows, dead things, skulls, crocs, snakes.

Through out the map: fresh kill piles, etc... and well, I have faith in your ability. ^^ You want to put a spin on anything, go ahead. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.

By the end of it, the main map should be connected to The Sanctuary, The Mountains, and The City. The Mountains will connect to The Cave and the City will connect to the Sewage Swamp. Any other mini maps and what not you want to add, go ahead. I think it would be love it if you could add an artic and dessert map as well as any mini maps you want to add, but it is up to you. ^^ Have some fun with it.

Also, since this is for the pack, when you finish and have it uploaded to media fire, if you could message me the link. ^^ I am so grateful to everyone and anyone wanting to take on this massive, difficult map.

Request Maps / Multiple Map Request: Please Hurry
« on: July 29, 2013, 11:55:44 am »
Thank you in advance for taking my map into consideration. If you choose to do it, I can't thank you enough. I have to warn you though, I think my map is going to be a bit extravagant. X'3

Now what to do:
UsernameInGame: Naomi
WhatDoYouWantItToBeCalled: Never Fading
PMForYou: Yes.
WhenDoYouWantTheMapMade: As soon as possible.

Main Map: This is the map where the two packs will be centered.

WantTheMapToBeRealistic/Un: Realistic.
HowMenyDen's: There aer two camp sites, and in both I want at least 5. The more the better though. Also a few random crevices for prey or loners to hang out.
HowMenyRiver's/Creek's/Ocean's: I would like there to be several streams and lake. Maybe little islands. It would be cool if you could incorporate rapids and waterfalls somewhere, like a hidden cave behind a waterfall or something. I want it to be fun. :D
Wolf/Lion/WarriorCat/Map: Mostly wolf, but with other animals like bears, mountain lions, some prey animals.
WantJungle/Forest: Thick forest
MapWidth: Bigish ._.
MapHeigh: Some hills I guess? It is up to you, however you want to create the terrain.
Prive/PublicMap: Private.
Animals: Ducks, fish, rabbits, deer, anything and everything. <3

Portal 1: Sanctuary: This is a very spiritual, almost magical place. Where healers go to seek guidance, and then where new leaders go to be blessed, and where mates claim eachother.

WantTheMapToBeRealistic/Un: Probably unrealistic.
HowMenyDen's: I don't know if there is need for one.
HowMenyRiver's/Creek's/Ocean's: Maybe a small pool.
Wolf/Lion/WarriorCat/Map: All.
WantJungle/Forest: More of a closed off area, like a cave, or crater, or whatever you imagination creates. I do know though I do want there to be lots of colorful jems, and magick/scientific symbols all over the place, strange glowing plants if possible, and sparkles. Lots of sparkles.:3
MapWidth: Can be fairly small I suppose.
MapHeigh: Flatish I guess.

Portal 2: Mountains

WantTheMapToBeRealistic/Un: Realistic
HowMenyDen's: Maybe a few places for creatures to live.
HowMenyRiver's/Creek's/Ocean's: Where ever you think it would be good.
WantJungle/Forest: Mountain.
MapWidth: Eh, medium.
MapHeigh: Some peaks, valleys, and everything in between.
Animals: Whichever you decide.
         Portal Three: From the Mountains to the Cave.
WantTheMapToBeRealistic/Un: Realisticish.
HowMenyDen's: Want separate chambers, what you decide to put in them is up to you.
HowMenyRiver's/Creek's/Ocean's: Up to you.
MapWidth: medium small.
MapHeigh: Up to you.
Animals: Cave creatures? Fish? Up to you.

Portal 4: City
WantTheMapToBeRealistic/Un: Realistic
HowMenyDen's: Barn, houses, cars. City stuff.
HowMenyRiver's/Creek's/Ocean's: What you see fit.
MapWidth: Medium.
MapHeight: Relatively flat.
Animals: dogs, cats, birds, rats, humans, horses, cattle?
    Portal 5: Malfunctioned Sewage Plant
WantTheMapToBeRealistic/Un: Realisticish.
HowMenyDen's: An old factory, with the marsh starting to grow on it, a few places for things to live.
HowMenyRiver's/Creek's/Ocean's: lots of swampy water.
WantJungle/Forest: Murky, nasty, swamp.
MapWidth: medium.
MapHeigh: flatish.
Animals: rats, crows, dead things, skulls.

Anything Else: fresh kill piles, and well, I have faith in your ability. ^^ You want to put a spin on anything, go ahead. Thanks again. I really appreciate it.

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