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Topics - SpaghettNeo

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Cape of Distant Worlds Crashes When Entering Portal
« on: November 19, 2012, 08:14:38 pm »
I downloaded a custom map, extracted the files, and placed the files in FeralHeart's "Extracted" folder. I go on the game to log in and then click on my favorite character (Zahara) so that when I got to the map I could maybe RP with someone. So when I get into the game, I have Zahara go back to Lonely Cave and then go into the portal that leads to Cape Of Distant Worlds. After maybe 30 seconds FeralHeart suddenly closes down. I'm thinking What dafuq just happened here??? :o. And so I open up FeralHeart once again and went tried to play Zahara, but it blacked out like the first time. I also used another character (Xallia) to see if it was something to do with the other character, but Cape of Distant Worlds portal ate that one too. :'(
I've seen numerous topics on my same problem, but even though all of them were supposedly solved none of the solutions worked!  :(
What I've tried so far (that haven't worked):

~Taking all the files out of the "Extracted" folder
~Deleting the actual custom map files off of my computer
~Deleting then making a new "Extracted" folder

I didn't want to re-install for the fact that I have a lot of maps that I've worked very hard on, but if there's no other way to solve this problem then please tell me. Also, Is there anyway to get my eaten characters back????

Thank you for reading,

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