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Game Help / Entering map causes game to crash
« on: June 22, 2017, 04:01:06 am »
Hello! Back here with another question ~

Before you say, yes I have checked the other topics, however none seem to actually help my issue.
I downloaded my groups map, and did everything right (Exports folder>Exports, Sounds folder>Sounds)

However, whenever I try and enter this map, it takes a while and then crashes at the loading screen. I have tried putting the files from exports into the separate folders (terrains, objects, etc) and it still does not work. I have re downloaded the map and overwrited everthing in case something got jumbled in the first download. Still crashes x.x
This is the first time that it has happened to me, and my one thought could be "Maybe my laptop is not capable of this," but you can be the judges of it!

If you have any way that would help me fix this annoying issue I would appreciate it very much ~


Game Help / Preset Scrolling
« on: June 04, 2017, 05:10:18 am »
Hello everyone ~

I've got a question about preset scrolling (yes, I have read all the tutorials and help on my issue)
So my question is, I have done everything correctly for scrolling except for the fact that the image I want to use does not show up on the character and instead shows up as the black and yellow (extremely annoying). I couldn't find any thread on how to fix the issue so that the image shows. I can send screenshots of everything if you would like.
If anyone is able to fix this please let me know!


Game Help / Link to V4 Itempack
« on: July 28, 2015, 08:47:41 pm »
I have been looking everywhere, but I can't seem to get the correct link. I restarted my computer so I could get rid of any virus's and bugs. I am almost finished downloading all the packs that I used to have, but I cannot find the v4. Could someone please give me the correct link? Thanks! <3 :3

Hey there, I am in need of a cave mesh and a den mesh for a map I am making. I am trying to find them myself but it's not looking good. I would like something realistic for sure. Any den and cave will be considered!

Please help me find a few good ones! :) :) !!

 If its not to much I would also like some herbs, and bushes.


Game Help / Preset issue
« on: October 13, 2013, 03:26:52 am »
Hello fellow feral-hearts, today..Yes today I have another issue. ??? Well you see I am making a Halloween costume for the party, though when I completed it I went to see if I could put it on my character. Turns out when I went to preset maker , I only saw the presets I had made and could not find my halloween constume.

Game Help / Pawesome items issue
« on: October 12, 2013, 08:03:38 am »
G'day to all you lads and lasses who are reading this.

See the thing is I recently downloaded the pawesome items pack, does anybody know how to fix what I am about to ask y'all?

So I see a person who has items on, for example maybe a set of horns but when I compliment them on them they ask 'What horns? I have a chain on,' And that happens a lot. Even my pack members are sometimes wearing a car and all I see is a floating Mataray, or a elephant. Or vice versa, Users tell me what nice guns I have yet I don't have guns on I have a feather and when I tell them what I see on them they say thats wrong! Anybody know the answer to my problem?

Game Help / Pieces of map missing
« on: August 31, 2013, 03:40:16 am »
So I finished the map with the swimming fishies in it but when one of my members joined and downloaded the mp she said that there were stuff missing(Things I made) HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Game Help / FeralHeart keeps crash'n
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:45:20 pm »
I was making a map yesterday and I decided to stop playing. So after I quit FH I played some animal games but when I decided to go back onto FH to work on my map, but when I did it said Feral heart.exe has stopped working...I dunno if this could be the same as the other problems but please help!?!?

Game Help / How can I make moving fish?
« on: August 30, 2013, 04:33:06 am »
I am making a upcoming map for my pack and I want to make a moving fish mesh, though I don't know how. I don't know if this question has been asked before. Please help me!!!!

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