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Topics - reiish

Pages: [1]
Game Help / The Lonely Cave really is lonely; nobody is ever in it!
« on: May 07, 2012, 02:01:14 pm »
Maybe this is the way the Lonely Cave is supposed to be and I just missed the memo, but every time I visit the Lonely Cave, nobody is ever there. I'm always the only one that shows up on the map when I'm there.

Is that how it's supposed to be, or is something wrong with my game?

Introduction / [New User] Rei the Wolf-Dog
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:47:14 pm »
Hello, all!

As the subject states above, I am Rei. :3

I discovered the wonder that is Feral Heart last year, in November, and I played the game for a couple of months before I went on hiatus at the beginning of this year. I've used my time since then to rediscover myself and get myself situated in my new home (my first apartment), yesterday being the first time that I've returned to Feral Heart since starting my aforementioned hiatus.

Since my life only seems to get busier as I get older, I'm not entirely certain if I'll remain sufficiently active, in the forums or the game, but I'd like to give Feral Heart another shot, regardless. c:

So, hello again, to everyone, and I hope to see all (if not many) of you soon!

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