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Topics - Evil eye

Pages: [1]
Request/Find Meshes / A few meshes request~
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:18:48 am »
Hey I need a couple of meshes, if that isn't too much to ask for.
-Floating island mesh
   ~I was hoping to make a huge floating island map, but sadly the floating rock meshes that is already in Feral Heart make it seem really plain. (I know, I sound really greedy) So is there anyone out there who could help out with that?
-Alice in Wonderland themed Meshes
  ~Mushrooms, cards, odd flowers, and ect. That be very helpful!
-Tree meshes
  ~ Realistic trees, I don't mind what type.

Finished Maps / My new Nightclub map.
« on: December 13, 2012, 01:06:15 pm »
 ;D Hey everyone! I made my first public map~ After a long time of using object maker and map maker I finally done it!!! So here it is, my new NIGHT CLUB MAP -Random bass drop- Clicky here ------> I'm having issus putting it on media fire, so can anyone help with that? Thank you! ~~~Evil Eye

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