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Topics - Braveheart352

Pages: [1]
Game Help / After Exporting- Can't go onto the game at all.
« on: February 24, 2014, 11:18:40 pm »
I know this is a frequently asked and answered statement- apologies for that. xD
But, I was working on a map for a while now, tried to export it, and when I tried to restart FH, my game crashed.
And it keeps crashing.
I can't get onto the log-in screen. I've re-downloaded the game, with my old FH renamed as 'FeralHeart1' so I have access to all of the files there. I've transferred them all.
I don't have any particle duplicates, or and missing files, I believe.
Which is why I brought up the topic.
So, if you have any suggestions to help, thank you, and I hope I can get this fixed with my maps intact! xD

~ Braveh.

Game Help / Markings Problems.
« on: August 15, 2013, 02:36:08 pm »
I downloaded the Aug 22 Mass Markings today, and followed the ReadMe. But when I went to test them out, my previous characters' normal markings had gone. They still had their normal colours, but their markings weren't there anymore. Help would be appreciated. When I go onto the character creator, I still see the options of those markings as well as the new ones, but the don't com up when they are clicked on.~ Thanks, Braveheart352.

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