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Topics - Nyxius

Pages: [1]
Member Bio & Journals / The Bio of Nyxius
« on: July 13, 2014, 05:30:20 am »

Introduction / A Wild Nyxius Appeared!
« on: July 09, 2014, 09:15:48 am »

A Wild Nyxius Appeared!
What will you do?

[Poke]  [Feed]  [Give Sweets]  [Run]

Hey everyone!

The name is
Nyxius, and it's awesome to be here!

I'm a newbie around here, but I've played the game for about a week now; so I kind of know what I'm doing? x'D

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to see you around! ^^

I wanted to say thank you to the staff/mods/ and etc. for your hard work.
And not only to them, but to all of the nice people and characters I've already met on the forum and in the game!
You've all been very nice and sweet to me so far, and I'm actually pretty excited to get to know more about you and make some awesome friends here.

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