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Topics - Abbyeon

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Both a New and Returning Player
« on: July 01, 2017, 12:05:01 am »
Hey there Feralheart players I'm Abbyeon, I Joined FeralHeart back in 2012, but left in about spring of 2015, and Dang has feralheart changed since I last played xD

I never made a thread when I first joined, Actually to be honest I didn't even realize it had a forum until after I quit
 I was introduced to feralheart through a friend of mine who was fan-girling over some people roleplaying as shadowclan from warriors, but I was always to shy to rp with out my friend so I never did to much. (Which is also why I stopped rp'ing for a while since they stopped too around that time...)

Now It's been a long time since I was on fh, and I honestly missed playing and can't wait to get into some more RP's and to perhaps finally get over my fear of talking to people on my own xD

I'm Still A Huge fan of warriors, and are looking forwards to making some new friends here on FeralHeart!

That and to finally become a medicine cat ;w; the last rp I was in before it got shut down I was only 2 moons away from getting my medicine cat name,

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