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Topics - Ghoul

Pages: [1]

hi i'm em and i'm gonna drone on about myself here because everyone totally cares

excuse my run-on sentences
i could probably type better than your english teacher's college professor if i wanted to but i'm really too lazy now to care about grammar anymore (y) it depends on however the lovely monotone voice in my brain sees fit to write
i.e. do not complain to me about how bad my grammar is or i'll school you and your family and every generation that follows SO HARD

recent.. ish
my hair has been red, redder red, bright flaming red, and black and bright flaming red since then, and now black and brown because my school thinks you have to have natural hair colors in order to get an education n_n
as soon as i get out i'm gonna be blood red for the rest of my life ???

i have 7 piercings, not like anyone really cares that much, but it's information so i'ma post it here regardless
three on each ear and my septum, and soooon, hopefully, i'll have a vertical labret WHICH I HAVE WANTED FOREVER OH MY GOD
they're so hot /drool


i spent most of my childhood hopping from place to place but i thiiink i've spent most of my life being raised in tennessee.. in the middle of nowhere
everything here pretty much sucks and i'm convinced that i'll be a failure at life until i can haul myself out to a more productive area
i'm still working on it though :s
(step one, move out of my mom's house, lmao)

i'm in the best relationship with the best boyfriend that i could ever ask for
i think we're adorable ;_; so so so adorable *vomit*

this was taken indoors..
..with no flash
i am really that pale and I LOVE IT ASFHDSFHJSDGG

i'm an athiest, sorry if it's offensive
i really don't care about anything

i like all kinds of music..
..especially boybands, shhhhh
country could go die though n_n

i like cats and if you don't then screw you
i hope you're a cat in your next life

idk what else to write here, i'm getting way too bored with this

here's my tumblr if any of you doots use it

and here's what was originally in this board because i'm clever n___n


i might add something interesting here later
qfe, "MIGHT"

Presets & Markings / first preset!
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:31:14 am »
i don't know what i'm doing :l i hate the paws so much  sdgfjsklgfdgjhlfgdjkggcvbs;ewrkjs dfhvkjgoetgnljeh guh

Pages: [1]