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Topics - Talane

Pages: [1]

Myself and another user (Andrew) are now attempting to start up a Wolf's Rain roleplay, that will be mainly active through FH itself (not FH+, as many users have trouble with this).
This roleplay will be with a combination of characters from the series and OC's, but only active, literate members will be allowed to join as characters from the anime.
Available characters from the anime:

We are also adding some castes created in relation to the anime:
Experimental Wolves: Those who wear the collars similar to Hige; once chosen and watched by the humans for their supreme instinct and intuition, they are key to the pack to getting to Paradise alive.
Lunar Wolves: Wolves that have made it to Paradise, and have returned to assist other wolves on their journey there. (Please note that this is the only class allowed to have wings, and that slots are very LIMITED!)
Elder Wolves: Those experienced in the world but not long for it, seeking the safety of the pack to complete their final journey.
Base Caste Wolves: The default group of wolves, does not require an RP sample to join.

: Claims for characters from the anime and OC's wishing to join a caste other than the base caste will require an RP sample and must be approved by myself or Andrew (Hige)
Please provide information as to your original character in the following format
(Since I will be roleplaying as Blue, I will use her as an example. Note that characters from the anime will not have to have information submitted in this format and only require an RP sample.)
Name: BLUE
Caste: (Anime char, so this doesn't apply)
Gender: FEMALE
Mate (If already joined): HIGE
Cubs: NONE
Physical Description: Blue is large and muscular with sleek black fur and blue eyes. Her overall condition is good, and she has relatively no defining marks. (More complicated characters will of course have longer descriptions)
Personality Characteristics: Sassy, she is known for her biting remarks. She has a tender attitude towards a few select humans however resents many others. Her heritage made it hard for her to adjust to life being wild but with Hige's help she was able to take on her life as a member of the pack. She enjoys the exhilaration of travel and somehow manages to keep her "light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel" attitude upfront.
If we can gather a small or medium sized group of active members, presets for the anime characters might be created!
We are open to getting a map, but would rather let the members decide on that!
Anyway, feel free to submit characters to join and keep checking back  here for updates!

Pic is (C) Kylie Wainscott, 2012

Game Help / Is there something wrong with the servers?
« on: July 07, 2012, 12:05:52 am »
(sorry if this is being posted in the wrong section)
I was thrown out along with another user today, and the message "Feral Heart has stopped working, checking for a solution" popped up.
It also brings up this message if I try to start the game again. This happens after I have logged on shortly after the loading screen for the game has popped up, and a second or two after the music switches from menu music. I was in the temple of dreams when it crashed.

Introduction / New Celt wolf!
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:33:24 am »
If you see a dark wolf with lighter celtic markings, thats just me trying to get use to the controls ::) Anyway, hi everyone!

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