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Topics - Ratatosk

Pages: [1]
Member Bio & Journals / ~.:*:Vaati's Bio:*:.~
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:12:45 pm »
((Murr. I am writing this bio as Vaati, not as myself. Derp.))

'Ello, all you FeralHeart derps. Anyway, I am Vaati, a well-known wind mage in my place... anyways... I am EVIL. I am evil, and always will be, and none of you infidels will change that. Also, on another note, I am STRAIGHT. Straight, straight, STRAIGHT! I have had tons of people call me gay because my hair is purple and crap... don't. I WILL blast your head off with my winds. I have two personalities:
1. Sort of friendly and gentle, but menacing at the same time.

XD So yeah. I think you get the point. I'm EVILLLLLLL. And I have NO affiliation with Ahkmed the dead terrorist. I have had people creep on me and call me Ahkmed, just 'cause sometimes, I will yell, "Shut up! I'll kill you!" which is similar to: "SILENCE!! I KILL YOU!" But we have no affiliation with each other. Now, for some other stuffs.

Likes: Shadow Link, EVIL, cookies, cake, awesomeness, FeralHeart, cats, wolves.

Dislikes: The Links, Spicy, People who hate me, People who oppose me, Ganon.

Yeah... anyway... that's about it... :/ Ohwait! Also, another thing: I AM A GUY. I am MALE. I have had people mistake me for a woman. If you DARE to call me female, I will kill you, and then rip your guts out and feed them to Shadow. Now... have a nice day. ^_^

Ask Me / Ask Vaati~
« on: January 05, 2013, 12:02:32 am »
Hello, everyone of FeralHeart! Feel free to ask me anything you like.

Discussion Board / Zelda: Four Swords manga?
« on: January 05, 2013, 12:01:27 am »
Anyone here read the Zelda Four Swords manga? o3o

Forum Games / The Game of Sarcasticness XD
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:55:09 pm »
Hello, everyone. This is a hilarious game where one person asks the next poster something, and the next person answers with a funny sarcastic answer.
Ex: Poster 1: Next poster, do you like kittens?
Poster 2: Yes. I like to drink their blood. Next poster, do  you like puppies?
And so on. go ahead, try it. I'll start.
Next poster, do you drink toilet water?

Forum Games / All that, and a toilet!
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:48:02 pm »
Hello, people. In this game, name three things you would like to be. Then, add, All that, and a toilet!
Ex: I wanna be an anime producer, a kitten, and a comedian. All that... and a toilet.
Lol XD you floofs try it.

Discussion Board / Hilarious quotes
« on: November 24, 2012, 03:24:36 pm »
Hello. This is a place where you can come to randomly state quotes that you like to say. They can be your own, or from something else. You may also do group quotes. Here are some of mine.
 My goal is to drive you all crazy before I reach 40.
 Don't worry. The worst that could happen is we all die.
         ...Group quotes...
Anise: Colonel, how come you're so strong?
Me: Simple. I drink people's blood.
Anise: WHAT?!
Me: It is so difficult when people take me seriously.
Dist: I am the most glorious of all the six God-Generals! I am Dist the-
Me: Why, if it isn't Dist the Runny.
Dist: It's ROSE! Dist the Rose! R-O-S-E Rose!
Me: Ah-ah, calm down. We know how your nose runs when you get angry.
Dist: Grrrr... It does not!
Me: Leave the monster as-is.
Luke: What are you gonna do with it?
Me: Dissect it.
Anise: Ewww!

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