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Topics - Reidiculous.

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Map Maker Troubles?
« on: February 18, 2013, 05:14:54 pm »
I was working on my map pack; the main map when all of a sudden, I get a pop-up on my computer. As usual, I just x out of the pop-up and continue on working, but this time when I x'd out the pop-up and went back to map-maker, my whole work had completely disappeared. I had saved everything and all and hadn't hit anything, the whole land disappeared as well as the objects and water. It's now just a sky.

I went into the map folder under FH>Media>Terrains and it still has my objects as being there and everything how I had it, yet the land won't show up. I've tried restarting and now I'm just ticked off. This isn't the first time I had to re-do my map and I was just about done. Either Map Maker is just a butthole, or it really is starting to glitch, but I'm hoping this can be fixed without me having to start over.

** Update; The map shows up when I go inside of it in-game, yet still not in map maker....

- Thanks for the help, Reidiculous.

Request Maps / Needing A Map Maker. (Will Pay!!!! ASAP!) :3
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:26:15 pm »
The map theme would be a zombie apocalypse in a city. The feeling would have to be dark and scary, yet still realistic. This map would be for my new roleplay, Bittersweet.

Rp's Forum:

For more information, please message me or post below so I can give more details!


Mapped || Literate || Semi-realistic

** Click the image to see in a larger view **

Bittersweet is still a work in progress, but we are just hoping to get future members by advertising early.

** Our website:

Request/Find Meshes / Needing Some City Meshes! (ASAP!!!)
« on: January 18, 2013, 01:34:53 pm »
Hello all! I am still pretty new to FeralHeart and I have just now learned how to start making maps! I've been working on a new post-apocalyptic stray dog roleplay and I would like to create a map for it to take place in. I need many different meshes to do this and I sadly, haven't had much luck in finding some.

I need all of the following;

- Realistic buildings
- Realistic houses
- Realistic village items
- A realistic lighthouse
- Dirty/Creek-like water material
- Fire
- Realistic trees and bushes
- Benches and signs
- Realistic cars and roads
- Toxic waste barrels
- Barrels and farm items
- A realistic barn that you can actually go into and have animals and such
- Iron and wooden fence
- Anything that could go along with a City and a Village

** To all who try and help, thank you VERY much! Your help is appreciated. c:

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