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Topics - Shadowscar1

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Help with map terrain mask!!!!!!
« on: April 15, 2013, 02:08:03 pm »
Okay Im going nuts!
I tried to make a VERY detailed map of the pridelands. One problem.
I made ziras territory one color, scars/hyenas one, mountains one, water one, hills one, canyon one.
BUT when I upload the terrain mask and try to change the terrain on 1 I change them all. I can make 1 black and when I try to change the others they stay black.
And also 6 is the maximum colors you can have right. Well i used 6 colors but when I go to the forth that "alpha terrain" rox becomes blank and nothing happens when I change color. I dont get it, I used 6 colors not 3. I have made 2 other maps that work fine (I havent published them yet) and I never got this problem. Its bugging me alot.

And i thought I would ask, why dose my feral heart just randomly crash every now and then? Even when I was in the map maker it crashed.
Help is much appreciated! :)

Game Help / Map Making Help!
« on: March 16, 2013, 01:27:39 pm »
Okay so Im trying to make my first map ever based of Lion King.
But first Im testing trying to figure out how things work. Now Im trying to make hills and water and stuff but when ever I make a map and I enter the name of it in the "Terrain Hight Map" Box the game crashes. But when I type it in the "Terrain Alpha Map" It works, but okay I made a map with 3 islands and a river in one island. The islands are grey and the river and ocean around that is black. Now what? How do I make a black stripe and black around the islands to water? Argh so many questions.
Also when ever I try to make water in a diffrent way like that "New Water" Button it is either extremly shallow and like vanishes when you walk on it.
Or (I saw in a post that you should type in waterTex1 or 2 in the "Water Materials" box) when I type in water material like waterTex1 or 2 and click its just a white square.
Lol this is so annoying, I just want a river and a lake and some hills, why is it so complicated?!
Help please!

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