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Topics - Lia~~

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / ??????????
« on: March 12, 2013, 12:13:07 am »

??o?? ??
NatureClan is a mapless, accepting any kinds of literacy, semi literate to literate, longtermed, semi realistic to realistic, and popular.  It is a very old Clan, about 2-3 years of age.
It has many, many 'solo' allies including dragons, owls, wolves, and other cats.
NatureClan lives in Flourite Plains of the Feral World at the rock pile by the freshwater ocean.  We are usually confronted by newer and less confident Clans over territory, considering that every single cat wants to lay their paws on our warm rocks.  In the winter, Camp is a nice place to live in.  Even though prey is scarce for almost all the Clans in the Plains during winter because they mainly feed off of land prey, NatureClan can use the sea as an advantage.  Crayfish, salmon, trout, clams, and many other delightful water prey usually flock near the bank where the ice is less thick.  NatureClan was founded many, many years ago.  Generations and generations of cats lived happily at our dense Camp and fed off our prey.

This Clan has a few allies. This includes StormClan which is really led by Dewstars daughter, Silverstar.  Another would be ShadeClan, led by Wildstar.  And previously we were allied with WolfClan led by Wolfstar, but it unfortunately fell dead.  We have many allies that are different species like wolves, owls, and hyenas.  OwlClan led by Fayestar, is a close ally and Zen who is a German Shepherd is basically living within the Clan.  Another interesting Clan member / ally we have is Venom.  She is a ferocious, vicious, but loyal .. 'wolf' who has a bite thats extremely more dangerous than her bark.  Venom is an insanity.  She has the ability to create, well, venom from her fangs.  Some of our previous rivals was TigerClan, which is currently led by the misunderstood Thistlestar.  Another would be PantherClan previously led by Diamondstar.  A long time ago, a demon wolf pack launched an attack on us.  If it wasn't for WolfClan, we would have been torn to pieces!

Prophecies and important omens also have an effect on NatureClan at times.  All of the previous ones in the past have been lies or false alarms, which really gets confusing to the Clan.  (FACT: There have been many, many prophecies and exciting roleplay ideas that have been created in the past.  In OOC, all of them fell apart mainly because the idea was being renewed, or the roleplayers in the idea fell inactive or they killed their characters off.)  -  A major breakdown for the Clan was when we suddenly lost all of our members.  They abruptly disappeared and wandered off into other areas or died.  (FACT: In OOC around late Augest / September / October, Dewstar accidentaly disbanded NatureClan while trying to kick a traitor and the 1,000 members that we held were lost.)

FACT GALORE: The main colors for NatureClan is flaming orange, grass green, tree bark brown, and night sky indigo. - For fun, sometimes members flail to the character editor, shorten their cats, and log back in.  They make something called a 'midget' war and they see who can live toward the end of it. - Many of the cats in the Clan used to be insanities, until it got too out of hand and we had to become normal cats again.


1. No map claiming, at all.  We are not obnoxious Warrior Cat Roleplayers that try to keep a place for our own.  Mostly, we share with wolf packs or lion prides that tend to not bother us, and they almost always go inactive.
2. Mild language is permitted, just don't abuse this option.
3. Sexual content isn't allowed, please do not abuse other players with this.
4. Our Leader gives literacy lessons, so if your having trouble just ask him.
5. Please try to stay active, that is desperately needed at this time for NatureClan.
6. You should have one to five characters, no more than that.
7. No wings or neons please.

?r?e? ?e??er?

Age (Logically): 17/18 Cat Years.
Gender: Male.
Rank: Leader.
Roleplayed by: Jayfeather20002.


Age: 4/5 Years.
Gender: Female.
Rank: Deputy.
Roleplayed by: Lia~~. (me)


- No Picture -
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Female.
Rank: Medicine Cat.
Roleplayed by: Firewhip123.



Rank: (warrior, kit, queen, or elder)
Personality Traits:
Brief Appearance:

May StarClan Light Your Path.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Giant Armageddon? on FeralHeart?
« on: November 05, 2012, 09:03:34 pm »
Now heres an idea for the game.

What if a sudden Armageddon? hit all the maps?  (As in South Pole, Flourite Plains, Ficho Tunnel, and Bonfire Island, all active maps)
This would be an interesting plot for all Roleplay groups / lone Roleplayers in the area.
The Armageddon? would include Famines (Can Lead to Cannibolisum <-- I have no clue if I spelled that correctly), Toxic Waste (Able to Mutate Animals ect), Radio Active Signals (Severe Brain Damage, Causes Insanity), Floods (Causes Drowning, Downed Trees), Tornados (A Range from F0's to F5's), Hurricanes (Insane Wind Speeds/Flooding), Ice Storms (Able to Destroy Entire Forests), Drouts (That Lead to Famines), Poisioning Gas (Able to Wipeout Populations), and Blizzards (Blocks Dens/Caves, Downs Trees)
I'm not saying mods / game admins have to add rain, meshes, ect, onto the maps, but if you want to, be my guest.

Armageddon? Ending Date
December 21st 2012 (*Squeee*)

What do you think? c:

Special Thanks to:
Uncharted (For the Famine Idea [He mentioned it during a discussion of Rp Ideas for the group we were Rping in that day])
My Older Sister (For the entire Armageddon? Idea)

Game Help / A Bit Confused...
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:17:03 pm »
Okay so I know the map server is/was down.
But when I pull up the FH forums it says,
Game server is online with [any amount ewe) users playing
I know your always supposed to see that unless the game is down but for some reason, I cant get in at all.  When I pull up the application(icon), it doesnt work correctly .3. it's like I'm going through a big glitch.  *Pawns Webroot*
Am I missing something here?


I am Adalena and I am hiring for my group staff.

What I Am Looking For: Literate, Active, Experianced-On-Wetpaint Users.
Group: :|:Abhayaa-Soul's:|: (NOTE--Abhayaa meaning, Fearless)
About This Group: Abhayaa Soul's, or ASP(p standing for Pack) is a long-term, literate, realistic mapless wolf rp.  We do allow maps here and there for fun but mostly we live in the open maps.
We will have a territory in these three maps.

Flourite Plains
South Pole
The Cape

Join The Website And I Will Upgrade You To A Writer, I Will Help With The Photo Multiplation(whatever you call it) So You Don't Think I'm Laying On My Lazy Behind All Day Doing Nothing <3
I Will Also Create The Ranks, Plot, And Alot More, But You Can Help With That If You'd Like~


Introduction / New Account
« on: July 17, 2012, 12:10:59 am »
Okay yes....  This is Leah Scott....  I had to make a new account because um..  My old one was hacked.
So yea I finally have a normal display name.

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