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Topics - Sugarfox

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Long-time member, first-time introduction
« on: September 26, 2015, 02:27:36 am »
Hi, I'm Sugarfox. I've been on and off of FH for... Wow, a long time. I'd say at least 4 years.
I'm 28 years old, female, and I love to RP doggies and wolves. >u<
I also draw, and I'm pretty good at making maps (or so I'm told XD), as well as presets.
I'm currently the alpha female of Unchained, a mapless, dog-based RP, set in the wilderness. It's a great RP.
I'm a blogger (, and I love the FH community. I'm friendly, so if you wanna chat, just pop on in! >u<
I don't bite. ;D

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