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Topics - wolfspirit999

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Game Help / Friend cannot access my side-maps
« on: July 31, 2014, 11:11:07 pm »
Hello, I will start with thank you in advance for reading about my annoying problem and possibly searching your memory for any faint idea of what is up with her mad laptop  :D

So, we have been planning this RP for a long time me and her, and I finished the map a few days ago. She has very slow WiFi speed, so downloads are slow, but her FH plays just fine and always has done.
We eventually get the map to her, and she gets all the files sorted (She is not new to downloading maps) and comes into the map. Everything's going splendid, I show her and a few of our members around the main parts of the map and everything's fine.
We then head to one of the portals that leads into a much smaller map (it's underground tunnels) and everyone comes through the other side just fine, but she crashes.
The error message she gets is the typical 'FeralHeart.exe has stopped working'
From that point, any time she tries to go on that character still halfway through the portal her FH shuts down. She retrieved her character with the 'reset home' and 'go home' on the FeralHeart website, and tried to send another character in. That had very much the same result.

So I ask, does anyone have any idea why this is happening and how we can fix it?

I will point out that:
-She has Windows 8
-Has not had this problem before EXCEPT for once in a map, but the weather file caused that
-This map does not have a weather file nor a sky file
-Other members were fine through this map
-Although her WiFi is bad she has not had problems before

Thanks again for any ideas anyone may have  ;)

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / .Clans of the North.
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:04:10 pm »
Clans of the North

We are a close knit RP, like a family of our own.
Currently far from completion but moving rapidly CotN is ready to begin accepting members.
We are plotted in detail, our three clans all fully taking part along with another group that shall later become known in greater detail.

PineClan are sly, but have honorable hearts, they can climb and stalk silently with pelts that blend perfectly into their mottled forest landscape.

RockyClan are smart, they use their minds and physically are the two extremes: Bulky, strong and broad boned, or small, lithe and fleet.

TideClan are large and muscular. They are resourceful, long clawed but often selfish. They are the best cats for adaption and changes and the most tolerant of the clans.

Rogues threaten the delicate balance between the clans, and as it progresses from prey and herbs to kits the clans turn upon each other with tooth and claw.

May the North Wind be ever at your back.

Message me or post below if you wish to join including:

FH Name:
Character name:
Character description/breed:
Desired Clan:
Desired rank:
Activity level: (Days and hours a week)
RP sample:

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / TSG - Warriors RP
« on: December 08, 2013, 07:34:32 pm »
:The Second Generation:

Founder: RainbowMist10

Co-Founder: wolfspirit9992

Moderators & those who influenced TSG: LittlePaws, Sargent_Ramirez

TSG Is a fairly new Warriors RP, we are literate, realistic, sited, semi plotted and have a map in the process of being made. We currently use a temporary public map to RP in.

TSG is the sequel to RoaNM - Rise of a New Moon, and certain high ranks are open.

There were five clans but after the Year of Many Plagues FallClan died off. There are few remaining cats in BarkClan, OakClan, EchoClan and MorningClan.

The survivors are struggling through harsh lands to find a new home, and desperate for safety.

We RP the journey we make and will set days for specific RP where the Warriors will move on through the maps, once they have reached their home events will be set up and plots will unfold to keep TSG alive and interesting!

If you have any questions, queries or would like to join, please ask below!

If you are joining please fill out the questions below:

FH Username:
Character name:
Character cat breed (If known):
Activity level:
Other RP's you are in:
RP sample:

Art Gallery / Wolfie's Art~
« on: November 07, 2013, 07:50:57 pm »
Okay, gonna cut to the chase. Because my internet hates me I am going to attempt and fail at putting a few images up of my digital art (I do hand art too but I haven't got any images of them >.>) Anyway these are all on my dA
I am open to requests for signatures and icons/profile pics or anything else you want just for the sake of it. Do please bear in mind though my teachers think that homework is a way of life. I am not great, but practice makes perfect right?

Just post below or message me with something along the lines of:

Name (Characters and yours):
Siggie/Avatar/Art (Which one it is):
Character description:
Character gender:
Character pose:
Character facial expression:
Lined or lineless:

I am sure I have forgotten stuff, so apologies if this keeps changing xD

Request 1: Filled
Request 2: Filled
Request 3: Filled

These are all old except the third one, and the fourth one is a very very old WIP which I am not sure I want to finish xD

Message me or post below

If you wish it, I can record the making of a piece and turn it into a speedpaint~

Game Help / FeralHeart.exe has stopped working... Again.
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:05:27 pm »
I have suffered such a problem before. Now, it is back. I cleared out my exports folder, and whoop de do, FH not working again.
It shows the KovuWorks Screen, and the Ogre etc screen, then before the loading screen, kaput.
Any ideas? No particle doubles, no new maps, no new objects...
This is annoying -.- Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

Game Help / Map maker crash while making maps.
« on: September 02, 2013, 10:05:12 pm »
So, I have made a lot of maps, and I have requests, so as I am working on a map, it will all just freeze, the whole game, and then a few moments later, 'FeralHeart.exe has stopped working' Etc etc.

I know it's not particles and all that, I can get back into the game. All working, just when I am working on some of the larger maps. I have worked on larger, so I am fairly stuck.

Also, while I am asking, I have made a few object groups for one of my new maps, and it will not export this one group. It's rather annoying. I have been back into object maker, no Basewhite's, all loading just fine.

Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

Game Help / Terrain Mask not working, please help!
« on: August 29, 2013, 08:20:13 pm »
I have been making maps a long time now, I have made a lot, and not encountered this problem before. Whenever I type the name of a custom Terrain Mask in, it comes up black. It's a png, I used the Red Green and Blue 0, 0, 255, and It's definitely RGB colour. I have tried switching rendering system, and re-saving the Mask with different names.

This map needs to be done soon... Thanks in advance for any help!

Wolf Kin.
A great land, a wide expanse, trees, moorland, mountains, wide skies or black with cloud.
Wolf Kin is the land where family ties can mean you will die.
Where family blood can mean you are more powerful than any wolf.
Where family bone kin, can mean you can control the stars. The freedom. The peace.

Of this great land, your kin, is everything.

Wolf Kin (WoKi) Is an animated series being made for YouTube, here I advertise the WoKi RP for FeralHeart.

To join this RP, you must be literate, your colours and markings must be realistic, and you must be able to download maps, for we will soon have our own map.

Wolf Kin - The series:

There are four packs in the north-east of the land.
North Pack live in the mountains, its snowy, icy, they are adept to such a landscape, aloof and often above average Pack quarrels, since that is what their mountains are like.
West Pack is the home pack of the first main character, Raineyes. She is blind Omega, yet she has dreams, she does not know, but her two lost sisters and her have a great destiny, that will shape the land for hundreds of generations after them...
East Pack is a larger pack, all known for their Alpha female - Lark - being intelligent and a wonderful leader.
South Pack is a slightly newer pack, originally formed from lone wolves. One bad judgement left a bitter alpha in control, and the South Pack is feared.

The Skies Kingdom is a kingdom of wolves, known for grace and power if battle, and unwavering strength during war.

The Night Kingdom is also a kingdom, parallel to the Skies Kindom. Rivals, they are, but with no real vigor. Once there was war... But that time is past.

Through the first Season of series' Raineyes is our main character, we follow her through turmoil and fear, as she learns of her destiny, and that of her sisters. Through all of the tragedy, she finds a wolf she loves, only to learn, she cannot be with him, unless a miracle occurs. Such does not happen through her story.

Season 2, is about her sister, the eldest, Lark. Lark is leading, but is forced to choose the safety of her pack, or the safety of her kin, through great struggles, she tries to fulfill both, to learn that her responsibility is greater than all of the former.

Our third season, Season 3, is about the youngest sister of the three. She has always been different, far too different for a pack. Traveling across the broad expanse of mountains, great dangers lurk. Her destiny is great, she knows, but does not understand. The call of the earth, and an ancient tree, prove to show her, as her path unfolds through her instinct and belief in peace.

The sisters are dead, many many generations into the future, Mottle is born once more.

Season 4 is about the wolf Mottle, her true name Connie, but labeled, cursed by ancestors with fur that does not shed, nor clean of any colours that stain it, she becomes a wolf with a pelt of every colour to the canine existence. Outcast, forced from civilization, dear Connie must find where she is meant to be, to keep the line of protectors alive.

Our last season, Season 5, from the Skies Kingdom comes a young she wolf, her destiny told is to become the next ruler of the kingdom. The Night wolves, rise up, great war fills the land, the packs are thrown into turmoil, dear Cinder, she falls in love with the great enemy, Outlaw, fear and death, blood, what can this she wolf do, but seek the guardians? Little to be known she must fill the paws of all three protectors before her...

To finish the series, one extra long episode, a great disaster, the world of wolves falls out of balance, packmate turns against packmate, and no protector is born. All protectors, are sent back to the world of the living. Yet, wolves are covered in fear, have no clue what truly exists. The world unfolds a final tale, of how this came to mend.

The RP:

This is years after the series, new wolves, new leaders, and a pride of lions? Turns out the mountains were suited to homing some rather powerful and dangerous lions, to join our land of rivalry and destiny, post below. We have everything in one map, except there are four maps each for a season. Not an episode season, but seasons as Winter, Spring Summer and Autumn.

Post below:

FH Username:
Wolf Name:
Desired pack:
Activity level:
Literacy level:
RP Sample:
The website for both RP and animations is unfinished, very little is even there, but either way the website is

If you would like your character to feature in the animations, then when the RP is up and active, make sure to be active yourself!

If you would like to audition for voice acting, there will be that option on the website at some point.

Hope you like the sound of Wolf Kin!

Other Mods/Creations / Custom Music for Maps!
« on: August 19, 2013, 12:42:29 pm »
Hello fellow FH'ers!
Recently I have been writing a lot more music than I normally would, and I have started to put that music in some of my maps, but I don't have as many maps made as songs being made, so I thought I would offer these music pieces to other map makers and people requesting maps.

I'll put up some video's of some of the music already written as soon as I have recorded the most recent in~

So, if you would like some original custom music for your map or RP, then ask in a comment below or PM me ;D

Site/Forum Help / Can't send private messages!
« on: August 19, 2013, 10:47:12 am »
I have had FH over a year now, and because my computer is a bit stupid, it didn't get along with the site very well.
Recently it has gotten better, so I have been on the site more. I have found, that I am receiving messages now, about maps, RP's, presets, etc. But I cannot reply to them. I will write up my reply, but when I click 'Send Message' It comes up with the same screen, except there is some red writing at the top saying something roughly like: 'Your session timed out while trying to send the message. Please try to re-submit your message.'
I try again and again, but with only the same result. I have tried logging out and back in, but out of all the times I have tried it, it only sent one message, of which I am not 100% sure it sent.

If anyone has any advice, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

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