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Topics - OkamiFang

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Game Keeps Crashing!
« on: February 01, 2012, 01:50:59 am »
My friend just recently got the game. She can't play it because when she opens it, before anything shows on the screen, the game just crashes. She said she downloaded everything, and followed the directions, but still the game crashes. Help?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Ideas
« on: June 05, 2011, 01:26:37 am »
Ok so I keep reading the Kovu doesn't want items. I understand, but what if we had just a list of items we could use/ put on when creating our characters. It would stop the item stealing drama.

The paw pads. It would be cool if we could change the color of them without a mod/preset.

^ Same for the inner ears instead of them changing with the underfur.

Last thing. Different body shapes. Like a wolf and a corgi obviously have very different bodies. So it would make the character more real to the breed.

Thnks for reading.  :D

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