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Topics - Aira335

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Mac User - Items & Textures For Updated Game
« on: August 12, 2016, 03:08:29 pm »

So I finally figured out how to get the stinkin' game working on my mac after years of searching the solution to my problem; however, I cannot seem to comprehend why the markings and items I'm using are not working.

The markings and items that I am currently using I will link below so you guys can see if I'm wrong with what I'm using or if I'm just placing them in the incorrect places?



Now if those are correct, then let me tell you where I'm putting each file...

Now the way I have my folder set up is that I have a main FH folder on my desktop, inside that I have FHunix.POL, the old FH Game, then the FH Folder FeralHeart_mac_1.13_p8. (the only way I could get the game to even run is if I had them in a folder on the desktop... So that was quite the little adventure discovering that.)

So now that you understand how I have it set up, I'll explain where I have been putting the different items and markings.

The .cfg's I have been replacing in the FHRoot folder and the separate items I have replaced/pasted in the media>items (for markings its the same process except media>textures). So I'm not sure if the way I have my Feral Heart folders set up, that it is an issue, or if the items/markings are the real problem. I would really appreciate it if any of you guys could help me out ASAP, cause I would really enjoy to play without running around looking like a white marshmallow lmao.

Game Help / Mac Download???
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:01:44 pm »
Hey guys, I know there is a tutorial for how to get this new and confusing game to work for the Mac's.... However, I am sure there are a few of you still confused on how it works, just as I am... So are there any generous Mac users willing to create a video and link it or send it to me so I can follow the steps to get this working? I would really appreciate it!!! Thank you!  :)

Game Help / Mac - Game Randomly Shutting Down? Help? :)
« on: January 31, 2016, 04:15:51 am »
Hi, I have played FH in the wayyyy past and I stopped for awhile; however, it was only recently I started playing again, and I knew about the "Play Game" on the website, logging in, etc...

My problem is, after I successfully log in on the website and then log in as a character, once I'm in the map, depending on where I am the game will either just shut down with no warning... Or I will get this pop-up:

Before this pop-up, I had gotten the same exact message; however, it would say how I have a lack of Wine (a product FH wanted me to install to my computer when I had first downloaded the game... I refused... So now I re-downloaded it and this is the pop-up message I get..)
Now as you can see, the ground is completely black... That is a new thing and I don't know where it's coming from or why it is doing that...
Honestly this happens at a random. Sometimes it will be in the Plains, sometimes at Bonfire, and most recently in the Cape.
I know today there were 600+ players online but today isn't the only time it happens, it has happened when there were only 200 players on... It runs perfectly fine, it is only until I am actually in a map and playing that it will either shut down without warning or with that pop-up message.
If it helps any of you, I am currently running a MacBook OS X Yosemite and the version is 10.10.5 ... I hope someone can help me figure this out, because I have read a bunch of stuff and no one has the exact same problem as I do, which makes it a little frustrating... :/.

Thanks guys..!

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