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Topics - piertwinslumiere

Pages: [1]
Other Mods/Creations / Cave Item
« on: August 25, 2012, 09:27:30 pm »
A few days ago my FH crashed and I lost a mesh pack that I downloaded and put into a map. I of course lost the mesh pack and I would really like it back. It has this cave in it. All I want is the cave really...

Can anyone give me the mediafire link to the mesh pack this cave was in? (Feelin' like an idiot....)

Game Help / Terrain Mask Issues....
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:10:46 pm »
So I need to create a mask for a certain map. (I'm making a series of maps and linking them together. The other's worked but for some odd reason this map wont...) Anyway, here I am on Gimp coloring a new layer with those reds, greens and blues. I go to put it in game and it turns black!! I've been messing with it for the past two days. I even started over and it didn't work. (To see if I was missing anything. Of course I wasn't.) I also looked up the tutorial I learned from and went step by step. It still turned up black.

Can anyone help me solve this issue?

Game Help / Help?
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:57:36 pm »
(I'm not really sure where this topic belongs so if it doesn't belong here please tell me otherwise!!)

Anyway! My problems is, every  time i make a mask for my map and load it up in FH it shows up black. Can anyone tell me why it does that?

Other Mods/Creations / In need of Meshes and everything included.
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:08:52 am »
I am currently making a map and need specific items:

1. rocks with a water fall
2. a waterfall, rock, and cave combination

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone knows of any links. If not, can someone make these items for me for free?
(I am obviously a newbie to these here forums and don't know how payment works...)

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