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Topics - keko

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Chit chat city
« on: January 21, 2013, 02:00:46 am »
Well it's a game where you can buy stuff fight zombies for money hang out with friends and have a house.

You can decorate you're house the way you like but you buy it with credits same with the stuff but if you can just go off to the cemetery and get money there it's totally free ^^

Introduction / Hey there :D
« on: October 06, 2012, 09:35:39 am »
Hey I've joined for a month or so and I've forgotten to introduce myself so sorry about it well I'm Keko you can also find me mainly on Toxic and I'm just loving it here its like so awesome we'll as I said I'm sorry about the delay :P good luck outtas there and don't be be scared to friend me :D

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