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Topics - Blindstar97

Pages: [1]
Game Help / [SOLVED] Camera Follow Character Direction?
« on: August 03, 2016, 10:32:16 pm »
EDIT: The problem didn't actually exist, as it wasn't a problem in the first place, so this thread is officially solved!

Hi, I apologize if this has been already asked but I couldn't find anything like my problem in the search.  If a thread addressing my problem exists I'd appreciate a link.

So I came back to FH after learning there had been an update to the game.  And while it looks really cool and I'd love to explore it, I'm having problems with my camera direction.

The camera doesn't follow the direction my toon moves in automatically, instead it always faces forward and I either have to hold my right mouse button (which is painful after awhile and discombobulating) or by using the arrow keys (which is also discombobulating).  It happens in every camera mode, even F3 and it makes first-person pretty useless.

I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case in the old version, if memory serves right, so I'm curious if this is something on my end or if the feature was even removed for some reason.

This camera movement messes with my eyes and makes the game hard to play, which is upsetting cause I was really looking forward to seeing the new stuff.

Again I apologize if this already exists, and if someone could link to the thread, if it exists, I'd appreciate it.  Otherwise any help would be great.  Thanks!

Site/Forum Help / (SOLVED!!!) Time Zone Confusion (Noob question)
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:51:06 pm »
Okay, so I just noticed this, but for my timezone thing it says it's 7 something at night... when in reality it's 3:50.  I know that I have the right timezone, which is Eastern Standard, but I don't understand why it keeps saying that it's later than it actually is.  Is it something with my computer or my web browser or the site itself?  Sorry if there's a topic on this already, and I don't really care too much about it, but I'm just curious to see if there's an answer...

If any of this helps...
Web Browser:  Google Chrome
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time, U.S.

Hopefully someone can clear this up for me!

Game Discussion / The Craziest thing YOU have done!
« on: September 29, 2012, 01:31:15 am »
Hey, hey, hey!
Ooooh ohhhh...
Dont' you... do crazy stuff...
On F-H, hey!?
Dooo~ooon't you, do crazy stuff
On F-H, hey!?

Haaaa... sorry, couldn't help it.   ::) 
So, what's the craziest thing YOU have done in FH?  It can be anything; craziest charrie you've made, craziest RP, anything that's totally whack and totally crazy!

Mine is... my Limbo Stick charrie.  You've probably seen me; I'm quite famous around Ascension Island *totally modest*  8)  I've done mass limbo parties around the FH world!

So what about you guys out there, hmmm?

Site/Forum Help / A really noob question BUT...
« on: August 26, 2012, 02:57:35 pm »
I know there's a thread for this, and an explanation, but it didn't help me out.
I'm trying to put a picture into my signature, however it doesn't work.  Is it the site that the pic is on perhaps (  I resized it to fit into the correct size when I uploaded it originally, so that's not the problem.  Can someone help me out here?

Zarogue: I have this cute little text art pic on my account that says I'm Just Fathomless.  It isn't animated or anything like that.  I have no idea why it won't work; I put the code in and stuff...

Introduction / Oh hey never noticed this...
« on: August 17, 2012, 04:18:11 pm »
Hey there!  I'm Blindie, also known as Hunter!  If you recognize my username (which I highly doubt) you might've seen me on and Youtube!  I got Feralheart last week, and I just noticed this little forum here... eheheheheh.... yeah.  Anyway, I love RPing and animals and writing and reading and foreign cultures and Japan and Japanese culture and manga and did I mention ANIME?  Oh yeah, and anime.  I love to read and write as stated above and I'm working on two things of my own right now; a fanfiction and a novel.  So let me hear your support FH!
Uh... woo?
Ooookay den... something else about me is my favorite color is pink obviously.  Uh... yeah.  That's mostly it.... okay then.  Bye!  Oh, and MOO!

Game Help / Fluorite Plains stops FeralHeart from working
« on: August 13, 2012, 03:18:25 pm »
Sorry if there's already a topic on this, I just need help.

I was going to Fluorite Plains as one of my feline chars (with wings) and when I got to the loading screen a box pops up saying FeralHeart has stopped working.  I thought that it was simply just because Fluorite was crowded, so I gave it a minute and tried again.  The game stopped working again.  This might just be with my computer, since no bad tokens and whatnot aren't popping up before my comp says it stopped working.  At the moment, the count for Fluorite Plains is 42/200.  Is this a problem with my comp, or is it because Fluorite is just a pain in the neck to begin with?  Please help me!

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