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Topics - sharubii

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Yo~ ;D
« on: February 18, 2011, 01:56:10 am »
Hey everyone, Sharubii here -- though you can call me Sharu or Shar. c:

I'm a 17-year old female living in the US. I have a confessed addiction to the computer and love poking my nose into new sites all the time. xD Other hobbies include reading, writing, drawing, roleplaying, video gaming --

Eeeh, I doubt you actually wanna read a wall of text, so I'll stop there. :x

I actually played IT awhile ago, but only for a couple weeks, since for the most part I got ignored whenever I went online with my character. x'3 Once I discovered that FH was up and running, though, I figured I'd give it another try, so here I am.

Nice to meet you all!

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