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Topics - Reap

Pages: [1]
Characters / Reap Kouga's Main chara :o
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:43:04 pm »

Introduction / Reap Kouga's Intro
« on: September 12, 2012, 06:44:06 pm »
Well, Hi I'm Reap Kouga. Feel free members of the forum to call me Reap.
I'm an easy going guy you could even go as far as calling me lazy, but I hardly lay around as much as I'd like to anymore becuase of my job.
I'm the oldest in my family and have the "Blessed" job of helping take care of the yougins. e.e
I can tolerate the following: Epic Music, Anime/Manga, Writing, Sports, people calling my bro..e.o,chilling in FH, chatting on the forum, and constantly changing how my chara in-game looks, but I think he's at a pretty solid as of now (lol), hanging with my bros, posting comments on, driving, eating chips, working out, drawing and playing vidio games until my mother kicks me off and tells me to stop being an underground mole and go outside <.<...>.>

I like to read so you'll be seeing me post a lot in characters and Stories and bios

My user in-game is Reap, Keep a look out for it in florite,bon, and every where else.

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