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Topics - Avari

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Member Bio & Journals / About the Fluff...Avari
« on: September 12, 2012, 06:43:36 pm »
About me Avari:

(Took this from my introduction, thought it would make a good bio) I don't have much to say, but do have a little. I played IT and IW for many years, and had decided to make a transition to Feral-Heart. There are many things I have done, including making websites and forums. When I saw how carefully done this forum was, I was impressed. It makes my thoughts rumble intill I need to literally get up, and somehow say thank you to those who have kept it in great shape. I am guessing the Moderators and Site Admin(s). As for information about me, I am a CaFeline (Canine and Feline joined together) luffer, who is a 15 year old Blond. My interests of drawing and games like these have lead me to playing games like this.

I have so far made two characters. One a wolf and one a lion. So you will see me on Avari

A bit more about me in short detail:

~Laying around and doing nothing
~Food (Yummeh!)
~Roleplaying (I am already making a map Crin makes a great tutorial and so does my brother Shanith xD)
~Biology (I want to be a vet and/or a computer techie)
~People who are nice (Don't be mean, for that makes me sad D: And I will probably ignore you. I will be nice to you, if and only if you are nice to me)
~Manga (My friends got me stuck into liking it)
~The fox family that lives in my backyard
~My devilish cat
~Color blue (Any value of it)
~Skype (Do homework with friends )
~Writing (Currently I am writing a novella)
~Siouxs, Crows, Cherookes, Blackfeet, and more Indians (I speak some of each Indian language that is common)
~Reading (My Dad says I have too many books D:)
~Playing my Guitar
~Kovu the Lion King Character
~My Laptop >:U

If you want to contact me:


Introduction / Hurro, I'm Avariana, Avari for short :3
« on: September 12, 2012, 02:13:03 am »
I don't have much to say, but do have a little. I played IT and IW for many years, and had decided to make a transition to Feral-Heart. There are many things I have done, including making websites and forums. When I saw how carefully done this forum was, I was impressed. It makes my thoughts rumble intill I need to literally get up, and somehow say thank you to those who have kept it in great shape. I am guessing the Moderators and Site Admin(s). As for information about me, I am a CaFeline (Canine and Feline joined together) luffer, who is a 15 year old Blond. My interests of drawing and games like these have lead me to playing games like this.

I have so far made two characters. One a wolf and one a lion. So you will see me on Avari :D

A bit more about me in short detail:

~Laying around and doing nothing
~Food (Yummeh!)
~Roleplaying (I am already making a map Crin makes a great tutorial and so does my brother Shanith xD)
~Biology (I want to be a vet and/or a computer techie)
~People who are nice (Don't be mean, for that makes me sad D: And I will probably ignore you. I will be nice to you, if and only if you are nice to me)
~Manga (My friends got me stuck into liking it)
~The fox family that lives in my backyard
~My devilish cat
~Da color blue
~Skype (Do homework with friends :D)
~Writing (Currently I am writing a novella)
~Siouxs, Crows, Cherookes, Blackfeet, and more Indians (I speak some of each Indian language that is common)
~Reading (My Dad says I have too many books D:)
~Playing my Guitar
~Kovu the Lion King Character :D
~My Laptop >:U

I think I should make a bio :o But I will have to do that tomorrow D:

I shall do my best to follow the rules (Both Forum and Game), I shall respect the moderators and admins, and be polite to them answering respectfully. I shall help others whenever they need help :)

Hi, I am Avari XD

Avari is what my Dad calls me :3 Hope he doesn't mind that I am using it as this XD

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