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Topics - Dingo.

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Request Other Mods/Creations / One Item Request. A hard one at that.
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:51:31 am »
Eyo Feralheartians!

I was wondering if anyone could whip up a batch of a whole new item! Fresh from the brain oven. c: I'm looking to see if it is possible to have an item where you can add fire around your character's paws. I know you can get animated bubbled items but i'm curious in advancing in animated items and since i'm not a computer guru, I was kindly wondering if anyone had an idea on how to invent such a thing. Like, is there anyway to convert the fire mesh to an item mesh? All credit will obviously go to you! I'm just needing something spice up my super villain in an upcoming rp of mine. c: Any suggestions or recommendations are appreciated!



Game Help / Unable to log onto Characters :'(
« on: July 15, 2014, 12:38:05 am »
Hey Feralheartians

Okay, my fh has gone really strange and almost pixelated. Like it's grainy. I've reinstalled fh twice but after a week or so, it returns to the grainy graphics. I don't really mind that but I feel like it's why everytime I log onto a character, fh shuts down. I've tried looking for files that are same but I can't find any. Has anyone else had this problem before, if so, I would really appreciate if you tell the your secrets! o.o Thanks guys anyway! :D

Request Maps / Experienced Map Maker :3 The Haunting o-o
« on: January 12, 2014, 11:30:12 am »
Hellur Feralheartians

So, i've already constructed a site for the rp I wish to open soon however I just can't make myself build a map. And that's where y'all lovely people come in c: The Rp is based on a haunted house where a new family arrives, oblivious of the past. Set in today's era, the house seems somewhat old-fashioned yet slightly renovated for selling purposes. This is a human rp (I know it's a canine/feline rpg but I really like the atmosphere on fh.) hence the map needs to be ideally furnished although it's a small map. The map only needs to be large enough for a residential. I don't wanna sound bossy but i'd like an expertise to carry out my request (Sorry. xc) since it will be very fidgety with the meshes and such. Below it just a basic layout of what i'd like the land to consist of. We can make arrangements if you dislike or something is too complicated. The list is quite large so.. yeah

Here we go:

Spiked Fence w/gate (Kinda old-fashioned and creepy that borders the land)
Overgrown trees, shrubs, plants (Vegetation doesn't need to be decayed or rotten since it's on the market)
Outdoors Garage (Just two flat, parallel concrete textures would be fine)
Car (Doesn't need to be super expensive, just a normal fambam car)
Workshed (Sort of like a small shack where families keep their tools, doesn't need to be fully detailed, just a table, cobwebs and a couple tools laying around would be fab. :3)

House (2 Stories):
Basement (Basement is a must)
3-4 Bedrooms (All with different atmosphere e.g. stereotypical teenage room to a parents room)
Living Room
Dining Room
2 bathrooms (One up, one down)
Creepy ass paintings (There are a few silent hill paintings out there if I remember.)
Attic (Filled with previous owners junk. Could be a bit difficult, understand if can't be done)
Creepy Misc. Items
Secret passages (Again can be difficult)

I'd like if the house was wooden or cobbled, nothing that is too modern. I do apologise for such my bossiness but I just want it to be perf. x.x I do know Amnesia meshes could be useful. I don't want the meshes to be gigantic either, just a fitting size for the characters to  If you are the slightest interested, don't hesitate to contact mwa where we can arrange the do's and don'ts. All credit with go to the rightful owner and I will make sure no false creator will take ownership to your creation.
Thank you so much :3

Adios Amigos

P.S Any help is super duper appreciated. Truly. :D

Request a Preset/Marking / Vaas Preset :D
« on: July 29, 2013, 12:55:31 am »
Hello internet people,

Because I cannot create a preset to even save me, I thought I should request on here :) Vaas is the psychotic villian in farcry3(And does an amazing job at it too <3) and I would so grateful if someone could manipulate his human form into a wolf preset. I guess clothes would be quite difficult but if I wouldn't mind his signature pants and suspenders :3 Also, if possible, I wouldn't mind a rip in his ear or something like that. Sorry if I sounded bossy, I didnt intend too, hopefully someone will be able to make it :D :D :D

P.S If you have not heard of vaas, go to tumblr and #Vaas now! >:U.

Yours sincerely feralheartians,


Game Help / Another Lagging Issue
« on: May 11, 2013, 11:52:14 am »

Okay, before posting this topic I thoroughly searched through the forums but I couldn't find anything or simply missed something but as you probably guessed it, i'm having lag issues. But this lags are like temporarily freezing my computer which really annoys me cause I cannot rp with such conditions. I've tried reducing Fh performances, changing the core processor and even deleting some files to gain space. I honestly have no idea what is making the lag, i've reinstalled Fh and tranferred all my files I kept but still I have lag and can't even move without skipping to another location. I could have a bug on a file but I don't know if thats possible (Don't know much about computers), so it would be a real help if you could confirm it's possible or give some advice or tips on what I should do cause I have run out of ideas. :c Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much, c:


Game Help / Map portal trouble. :P
« on: February 27, 2013, 10:29:41 am »
Hello Feralheartians,

I am currently making several maps for an Rp I wish to create. However, I have connected the maps together but your character isn't spawning in the specific area I want it to. When you enter a portal to go to another created map, it normally flips out then you are automatically pushed over to a random spot or under the map. If anyone has any Idea of what i've done wrong, please speak up c: Any help is really appreciated (:

Thank you


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