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Topics - CosmicDarkAcid71

Pages: [1]
Screenshots / Some Screenshots (Funny, Weird, Cool)
« on: April 25, 2013, 11:35:05 pm »
(Just so you know, these were compiled from scanning through my gigantic screenshot library and picking out some of the best randomly shot screenz and lazily captioned them without thinking twice about it and so yeah.. only the scenery ones were intentionally aimed and angled)

Cosmic staring into the horizon at the break of dawn.... Nice and toasty .w.

(His name is actually Bear, but I made a mistake ^^")

That's like a 50 ft doe!

Meep random Pitbull lyrics


Fits well color contrast wise

Content cave

B) Pouncin' in the evenin'

Why so serious?

Cannonball time!

Let it snow~

Being a creeper

Cosmic acting just like a lil pup

A little too raw for me..

Coyote Joe is not amused

Curious Canine

Dat GLOW effect

Oh Cosmic, you know it's not proper manners to play with your food


I'm seeing doppelgangers

Eco friendly

Face off

A little too melodramatic of a caption... :O

Fluorescent blossoms


Glory.. or things are gonna get a little GlORY



Haha suckers down below :p


I am running out of caption ideas here, as you can tell by this

I am da white won

I don't even

A little too dramatic

It don't taste like chicken

It just doesn't have quite the same ring to it..

Keep calm and drift off

Lil duk

Lion, wolf... dog... pile..


Mah desert realm



My first FH friend

Nature's beauty


No kidding

This caption makes no sense

Not again!

Okay a lil too weird

I am already crazy enough, I don't even wanna think about what I'd be like high! HAHA

Perfect shot... *BAM*.. D:< not literally!

Please don't eat my face!

Pokerface deer

More like WTF

Presets rule!

Time for pumpkin jack to strike back

Or is that just me? (I captioned this at 3 in the morning, I don't even know what I was thinking)


Sgt. Hero


Moonli-- I mean Sunlight Shadow


Taste test (^typing error not intended^)

That, my friends, is MS PAINT for you!

Nice reflectionz

.. the soul

The purest water that heals your wounds, cleanses your conscience, and washes away your despair

Thinking deep

This glitch is on fiaaa!

Totally random outburst

Typical for a guy named Mr. Glitch

You got a prob with ma face?!

Dats skill

We all know the feels

'How original'

What an original Joker quote



Winter Daze

I might add to this sometime

Pages: [1]