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Topics - Bangart

Pages: [1]
Game Help / "Map Server Cannot Be reached. Try again?"
« on: June 15, 2011, 10:26:29 am »
I downloaded the new maps, and I was sure my computer can handle them. It runs FH pretty much flawlessly and I have other maps that I could play on without problems. I also know I installed everything right, so here's my problem.

I log on my character and head to the cape of distant worlds. It loads just fine and I locate the "Pathways" portal. I jump in. I don't get a black screen and my game doesn't crash, it just loads. and loads. and loads. After about 5 minutes of loading it tells me the Map server cannot be reached and asks me if I want to try again. If I say yes it will just continue loading and loading forever. x_x nothing happens after that other than a forever lasting load screen. If I log out and back on to my character, the same thing happens.

Game Discussion / Question about the servers
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:14:47 am »
I know what you're thinking. I'm about to say OMG I CANT CONNECT PLZ HALP!!1!11!

No, I'm aware the servers are down and I understand they're being worked on. But there's
this nagging thought in the back of my mind. With all of the players registered and raring to
play this game, literally thousands so I've heard, how exactly are future server crashes
to be prevented? Surely if this happened only a day after the game came out, the amount of people
playing is going to be an issue. So how will Kov and the team keep this from happening over and
over again?

This question is mostly out of curiosity... I'm not getting impatient and just trying to dig out info about
when the servers will be fixed. ><

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