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Topics - OlaRoseLover

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Game Help / Please, help, I can't turn on Fh 2 times :(
« on: December 23, 2013, 04:09:35 pm »
Hello, everyone, who reads my post. I have a small problem with Feral Heart. Earlier, when I was playing, I could open Feral Heart 2 times, then I could rp or play with 2 accounts. But today something changed, I don't know why. My friend and me, wanted rp and I wanted to rp with 2 accounts. I clicked Fh icon 2 times and there showed two windows (OGRE Rendering Subsystem). I noticed, that on both windows, my rendering subsystem is Direct3D or something like that. Earlier, when I was turning FH on and there were that windows, one window had Open GL Subsystem and other had Direct3D. I could play with 2 Fhs then, but now both windows had Direct3D. When I pressed "Ok" button, it said, that Fh stopped working. I told it to my friend, she said to go to Fh folder>media>particles and there delete aura.material or aura.particle file. So I tried that 2 options. When I deleted aura.particle, nothing happened, I couldn't go to Feral Heart. But when I deleted aura.material, I could go to Feral Heart, but only ones. I could go to Fh, which had Open GL Subsystem, but I couldn't turn second Fh on, because it had Direct3D. I can't play with 2 Feral Hearts now, I don't know why. What can I do to play normally with 2 Feral Hearts turned on? Why it happened? Please, help :(

Game Help / FeralHeart+ doesn't let to log in... Help :((((
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:00:13 pm »
I have FeralHeart and FeralHeart+. One time i wanted to play FeralHeart+ so i opened it and i tried to log in on my account. When i pressed "Log in" button it said "Please download the latest patch from" Okay, so, i downloaded patch to FeralHeart+ and i again tried to log in, but same thing happened :((((((((((((( Can anybody help me? Should i download FeralHeart+ again?

Hi all. I wrote here, because my friend has a big problem with her Feral Heart. She can't turn it on anymore. When she clicks on Feral Heart icon, it brings her to OGRE Engine Rednering Subsystem window and she clicks "ok" and then it writes "Feral Heart.exe has stopped working". She redownloaded game and deleted maps, all folders many times and it still doing the same. She scanned computer by antivirous and it didn't have any virouses. I don't know how to help her. Please, help

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