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Topics - Hawkspot2

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / A Warriors Path
« on: November 21, 2018, 02:24:43 pm »

Moons upon moons ago, after venturing out on the Great Journey, the Clans settled down upon the daunting territories around the Lake. Through rapid storms, harsh winters, floods and fires; Seasons upon seasons of following the path by those above, the might four Clans; Thunder, Shadow, River and Wind, have made the Lake their true home. Following the will of Starclan, deceived by those who roam the Dark forest; The Clans rise to the occasions. Living to become the best and not forgotten. To thrive strongly and leave a mark for the next generation. But what dangers await you? Follow your path and others as you seek to survive the four homes. Join the clans as they rise and fall, with a plot of your making. This is A Warrior's Path.

Welcome to a Warrior Cats roleplay that is centered around no constricting main plot, but, instead, mini-plots and events that are shaped by the cats within it, and a story that is helped crafted by YOU, the player.
Delve into the world of Warriors in a more interative type of roleplay.
May Starclan guide your paws, warrior, for it is all up to you.

Commen Q&A

Why is there no plot?
Most of the creating members of AWP are veteran wcrpers on FeralHeart. Through the years, it has become obvious to notice that most roleplays with large plots never get to roleplaying often, as they need to recruit 24/7 to get numbers for the plot. It also becomes stressful on staff members needing to beg members to rp the certain plot, when most just want to get their character made.

What do you do instead of plots?
While we do not have a main plot, we do have mini-plots that are changed either weekly or bi-weekly, depending on whats going on. Each clan will have their own that can slowly or quickly be roleplayed. These plots are never large, and will often just include small events that people can react to with their characters.

How many characters can people have?
In AWP we allow up to 3 characters at the most; However no character is allowed outside a "main clan". Once somebody joins, we try and keep them inside that clan until all characters have passed. This is to avoid people knowing exactly what is going on inside the other clans, and can make for some fun surprise raids on camps and patrols.

Are you LGBT friendly?
Of course we are! Everybody is free in AWP; However if things get out of control staff will step in the calm it down. [for example; realistically every cat in the forest is not gay]

Is Discord Required?
Yes! In AWP, most of our chatting, news and activity is located on Discord on a daily basis; While it is not required to be on discord 24/7, we heavily enforce showing up at least once a week to check on things.

Are you Literate?
Indeed we are. While we do allow a wide difference in roleplay styles, we do keep to that literate zone. However don't be taken back if some rping is a little small; people get lazy.

How detailed is your map
Our map is rather detailed, Here are some pictures of our beautiful map. (Updates will be released later on in order to fix some glitches, and reduce lag.)

Thank you for taking your time to read through this, we hope to see you soon!
Recruiter username: AWarriorsPath

I see you're wanting to know about Distant Call? Well, here's all the information that should explain the whole rp! <:

- The roleplay is set in Yellowstone National Park in the Western United States, somewhat near the Yellowstone Caldera (Supervolcano.)
- Yes, it is a National Park but I choose to say that the area that the clans are settled in doesn't have many Twolegs.
- Moorclan is hidden near the mountains that is located in a moor-like land
- Lakeclan is well, near a lake.
- Caveclan is located in a pine/marshy/swampy area but their camp is in a cave.
- Forestclan is in a forest area, mostly tall oaks instead of pine.
- We don't have a map currently! But I am indeed looking for a map creator.
- Looking for staff
- Looking for  high ranks

We are:
~To-Be Active
~STB MAPPED {Map maker needed!}

Here's the plot/prophecy:

The four clans had just born the second generation of leaders, the old ones dying all from the cold leafbare as the previous prophecy predicted. But of course, a new series of problems settled in; First, being normal border issues over the modifications that the leafbare had provided. Second, the now aggressive buffaloes sometimes crushing the newly-made apprentices on in Moorclan territory. Third, the aggressive wolf howls approaching the Forestclan camp moon by moon. Fourth, the water becoming warmer and killing a few types of fish in Lakeclan territory. Fifth, a few big stalactites hovering over the Caveclan camp are seemingly cracked, probably gonna fall soon because of strange sudden earthquakes.
But! The weirdest issue or debate among the clans are the new prophecy that was granted to all medicine cats of the clans; (Still trying to figure it out)

Are you a map maker?
Yes? Awesome! Distant Call is searching for a wonderful map maker to make us a beautiful permanent map! Map makers will be paid with DA points in exchange for your talent.   


Intrested? Great! Please shoot the staff a message on either our discord or our site and one of is will get back to you!
Hetaliaa {Discord} Hetaliaa#9606 {Site} Admin
Dorky {Discord} Tyrannical#7808 {Site} Adder
Hawkspot2 {Disocrd} Hawky#8924 {Site} Hawkspot2
~~~~~~ {Discord} violet#5724 {Site} Swiftstar

Game Help / Preset help? Please?
« on: July 16, 2018, 08:38:48 pm »
Okay, so I made this preset a little while ago, and I just edited it to have an invisible leg. I went to try the preset, never noticed the error until I exported it. I have sence checked the invisibility coding, and from what I can tell it is fine. But this error is still present. Any advice?
Sorry for all the pictures.

Rise of the Red Moon
Four Clans, PebbleClan, MoorClan, Woodclan, and GorgeClan once lived in peace. As the moons passed, a new sickness started to plague their camps. Causing cat after cat to fall ill. Unable to treat this new illness, the medicine cats did their jobs, though lost cat after cat. Becoming frustrated, the leaders gathered secretly under a half moon to discuss the situation. They decided, that at the next full moon the four Clans would become one, and would leave the territory. Their destination nor direction was not known.
The next full moon came, and the leaders gathered all their clan-mates and set off. For ages they traveled, finding it difficult to find a suitable spot to live. The four Clans bonded with one another, and soon became one clan.
They eventually came to a piece of land, bordering a mountain, and chose to settle there. Many disagreed, saying it smelled to awful, and much more. Though the Pebbleclan leader, Ramstar had grown very sick, and was unable to move any farther. The leaders spoke, and clearly they had to stop. Resting beside a river, they ordered three warriors to go in search of a new camp. Three more warriors left to hunt.
That evening the hunting patrol returned, battered and wounded. They explained to the leaders that they had been ambushed, by a group of cats, and where left with a warning. "If you remain, darkness will fall from the trees, leaving you with nothing but your bones to survive."
After discussing this further, the leaders chose to remain. The Clan was stronger than before, and they wanted to fight for their right to live on the land.
After the camp patrol returned, they had failed in finding a suitable camp, causing the camp to set about building one of their own. Using the surrounding shrubbery, and vines they created a camp wall, safe enough from any lurking danger. Upset by the warning, a patrol of five warriors, and two older apprentices was set out for the attackers, and to set up a border. The patrol encountered the attackers, and spoke to them peacefully. They learned that they were a group called a tribe. The tribe of The Rising Moon. They'd lived in the mountains for generations upon generations, and didn't like out-siders. They agreed to set up borders, and patrol them daily, and the clan would do the same.

Caught your attention? Yes? Well my friend, join us. We are Mapped, Literate, Realistic, And Active. We are working on a plot that will involve ALL of our members in one way or another. We are currently seeking High Ranks, and we are keeping our eye out for potential mods for our roleplay. Currently, we need Rippleclan cats, and Tribe cats, of most ranks. Please cruise through our site, or whisper Hawkspot2, 12nickback20, redvu or Allech for more information. See our recruiter? Well, whisper them! We'd love to hear from you!

We are currently mapped publicly while we await our private map. ^^

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