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Topics - kyaleu

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Help... /again/
« on: January 01, 2014, 01:41:49 am »
Hey guys!
I'm about to bother you with my tedious problems again.

I am just having constant connection issues and I'm getting completely desperate. D:

It's been a week since I got my brand new, powerful laptop for Christmas. /NotBragging,JustGivingMoreInfo./
I've struggled to fix everything with my game, and I still am.
I log in without meeting any troubles, I also enter each map with no problems. Okay. Everything fine till my problem pops up. Here it is: "CONNECTION LOST FROM MAP SERVER". Sorry for caps, just had to do it >.<
This exasperating sentence appears in my chat box after about 5 minutes spent in the game. Of course, the game puts effort to reconnect me, but fails everytime.
I never expected problems with Feral Heart, especially on my brand new laptop.
Before I got it, I was playing on a derpy 10 years old computer. It was pretty laggy, sometimes I couldn't even enter Bonfire Island or Fluorite Plains. But, at least, I've NEVER been disconnected from any map, no matter how long I stay on FH.
I am very glad having my current laptop, but these Feral Heart problems despair me. I can't understand why am I having such annoying trouble.
Just compare those two PC-s: The old one hasn't angered me even on a very low connection. And my current laptop does, on the strongest connection I could get. I have absolutely no lag on my laptop, even in Fluorite or Bonfire. Well, maybe only the Stone Bridge in Fluorite and the Mate Center in Bonfire. Even there, the lag is completely slight.
I got some suggestions from helpful people on my previous topic regarding the same problem. Some of them were:

- Changing rendering system: I simply can't, or I am not doing something right, lol. My current rendering system is OpenGL /or however it's named o.o/. I went to options and I changed it to DirectX, then I restarted the game, but it was yet using OpenGL. I even forced my game to crash so I could change the options from that white box, which appears before your game starts. It keeps saying 'OpenGL'.
- Turning off all devices that are using the same internet /I am using WiFi/: Yep, tried that. I turned off all devices that are using the same internet, I went to the room where the router is, I opened my game, went in South Pole... And five minutes later, TaDaa! "Connection lost from map server".

Could the problem be the fact that I am connecting via WiFi? Or is something wrong with my PC? If I connect my laptop with the router using a cable, will that fix it? Please, help, guys. I can't live without Feral Heart, lol. I couldn't even think of leaving it.

- I once got luck and could stay online for 20+ minutes, and I was probably available to stay more, but unfortunately I had to go.
- I have some problems with my derpy internet at all, like, disconnecting me while I'm browsing the web, limited connection and etc.

Game Help / Disconnecting from map server constantly
« on: December 26, 2013, 09:37:14 pm »
/Yep, I'd probably have to create many topics in the 'Help' thread until I make everything working fine on my new laptop. xD/
Okay, so, here's the matter, which I am sure that many other people have had.
My game is constantly disconnecting me from map server. When I go to Bonfire, for example, and I stay there for about 5 minutes, it says "Connection lost from map server." and it tries to reconnect me, but it fails every time. Yes, I am sure my connection is strong. What should I do?

Game Help / Umm... Is it me only?
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:07:53 pm »
Hey there guys! :3
I have a weird problem...
Well, I just got a new laptop for Christmas /Yey^_^/. Okay. I downloaded FH, everything is excellent :3 /No,It'sNotCrashing:D/. I have a few accounts. One of them is .Insanity. I logged in using .Insanity. with no problems. I started playing with one of my characters, I went roleplaying and... I can't type this sign: '
But that's not all.
After logging in using my account .Insanity., I logged off to try this one, which is ~TrueWolfHeart~. And guess what? It doesn't let me type this sign  ~. In order to type these signs and probably a few other, I have to change language. But all of you floofs know that when you change languages, game crashes. It did crash a few times each time when I was trying to type these signs.

Uhm... Some help, please?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / .:Valley Kingdom:.
« on: August 04, 2013, 01:54:19 pm »
Hello there guys ^o^
The Valley Kingdom is a new literate and realistic lion RP. My character is the Queen Kearia, we need a King. The pride has its own map, we also have a rival hyena pack and we're searching for allies. The allies and rivals share one map with the Valley Kingdom.
If you are interested and you want to join, send me a private message. c:

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