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Topics - cvernon

Pages: [1]
Request Other Mods/Creations / OK but actually /please/
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:13:04 am »
Honestly I'm calling out to everyone right now, even like, the big people on this site

The animation mods I've found have been... okay? Like, they're not great, per say, just, okay??

Honestly if someone could make an animation mod like


and this:

it'd be better

It'd just be good to have a better flowing game with a bit more realism.

I find that animation mods help me explore more, I guess? It makes me want to run around and do more stuff in the game

I would make an animation mod if I actually had any clue how

Or like, a mod that changes the body shape to look a little bit more realistic?

Idk, if anyone could find anything along those lines it would be great

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