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Topics - Shy Fawn

Pages: [1]
Member Bio & Journals / {some stuff about fawnie}
« on: July 13, 2014, 08:09:20 pm »

Screenshots / Just a few Screenies. *Updated*
« on: June 30, 2014, 04:03:35 pm »
Felt like sharing a few screenies here.
Because you know, there's that time when you're in-game and you hit that F3 button..


Forgot to put my signature on that one. Oops.

Character Profile
I shall update these later, once I get the time to.

Hope you liked them.

Request a Preset/Marking / Could Anyone Make Me a Preset? :)
« on: June 11, 2013, 01:25:13 am »
Hi! I'm kinda new to FH. When I saw some of the other presets on DA, I was like  :o
So, I was wondering if anyone could make me a fawn preset for a wolf to match my character Fawn. :)
If you could, that would be great!
I'm looking for something realistic, like 3D fur.

Introduction / Hi, I'm Fawn and I'm kinda new here...
« on: June 11, 2013, 12:56:22 am »
Hi everyone. I'm Shy Fawn. The Shy Fawn.
Hi everyone! I'm Fawn, but my real name is Kenzie. I'm 14 years old, and I'm a country/city gal. I'm very shy, as you can tell because of my name. I love to RP! OKay, so, to the FH topic!
Who Am I?
My character's name is Shy Fawn, or Shy or Fawn. Either is fine. She is a wolf, pure canine. (Gotta love dem canines!) She's under construction; I'm currently looking for presets to match her. If you want to Rp with me/her, look for me! I'm on all the time!
I've been experimenting on FH for a week or so. I haven't really talked to anyone; mostly because I'm just getting used to the game.

Am I In Any Groups?
Sadly, no one has invited me into their groups yet. But I'm open anytime! Mostly for both un-realistic/realistic packs. I also RP felines.

Okay, so that is all. If you see me, that's great! Hope to see you and I'm sure that I'll have a lot of fun.

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