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Topics - Ylrai

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Warriors: RFA l Recruiting!
« on: November 11, 2014, 01:32:58 am »
Hello, and Welcome to my advertisement for Warriors: Reborn From the Ashes! This is a Four Clan, Uniquely Plotted, Literate, Very Active, Sited, and Mapped Warrior cat Roleplay.

Status - New and Active
Season - LeafBare



All high ranks are taken. Though you are still able to audition for another normal rank.

Like WindClan, RabbitClan is swift. They have a strong spiritual, and physical connection with StarClan.
They are fiercely loyal, quick-witted, with good instincts. They are friendly to other clans, though are not easily trusting. This clan struggles with prey a bit more than the others, but is still strong.


All high ranks except medicine cat are taken. So you may audition for that, or a normal rank.

Being like ShadowClan, WolfClan are naturally the dark-hearts of the forest. They are generally isolated from other clans, rarely associating in alliances. But, they are clever, cunning, loyal, and good cats when it comes down to it.


Leader is taken, other high ranks are open. You can audition for med cat, deputy or a normal rank.

As they are similar to RiverClan, PerchClan are water bugs. They are other wise calm, collected and generally kind; having an appreciation for beautiful things. Sometimes, they can be fierce, with a bit of a temper.


Leader is taken, other high ranks are open. You can audition for med cat, deputy or a normal rank.

Bearclan is like Thunderclan in many ways. Strong, brave, with a deep appreciation for honor and starclan. They are pure, and true with a strong sense of honesty; sometimes they can be daredevils.


Normal Rank Audition

Character Name:
FH Username:
Rank: (Kit, warrior, apprentice)
Activity Level:
Roleplay Sample:

High Rank Audition

Character Name:
High Rank Wanted:
Have you ever been a staff in another WC roleplay?:
Do you promise do remain active?:
Activity Level:
RP Sample:

Our Site is

Request Maps / Warrior cat clan request!
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:57:23 am »
I'm looking for someone who can make a large map consisting of the four original clans from the Warrior cat books. I'd prefer someone experienced, who can make the map as detailed as possible. It must be private.

-Dense, dark forest
-territory is a bit marshy
-camp should be about the same with caves, and rocks

-Forest-y territory, with lots of rocks and plants
-lakes scattered around the territory
-camp should be about that same as all the others, but with a larger highrock

-their territory should have a lot of streams, lakes and rivers
-camp should be on an island surrounded by streams

-dry, barren territory, barely any water sources
-camp should be in a large hole in the ground (though should be able to get out of it)

Other stuff
-one or two twoleg places scattered around the map
-map should be large with all the components the clans, moonstone/pool, and gathering area in the middle
-streams should separate the territories

Thanks in advance, and please notify me if you can do this!

Request a Preset/Marking / Two different color eyes?
« on: November 06, 2014, 11:54:46 pm »
I'm looking for someone that is able to make two different color eyes on one character. One eye is light blue, the other is yellow-brown. Doesn't matter which is left, and which is right.

Request a Preset/Marking / Cat Preset Needed
« on: September 23, 2014, 03:14:38 am »
I need a fairly simple preset made for a warrior cat RP. If you are interested in making this, please tell me first so I know, and the details are below.

Pelt: Dark Grey; almost black; underfur is the same
Eyes: Contracted Slits. One eye is pale green, the other pale blue. Doesn't matter which is left, and which right.
Above and below eyes: pure black
Nose: soft pink
Tail: the tail should be white from the tip to the middle, then black the rest of the way.
Mane: pure black
Markings: On the cat's left paw is a white sock going up to the middle of his leg, like Scourge.

And that's it. ^^ Please reply below if you can do this.

Request Maps / Warrior Cat Map Request.
« on: July 02, 2014, 01:01:21 am »
I need an experienced map maker to make me a warrior cat map. My requirements are below as well as camp descriptions :)

-Four clans
-Moonstone/Moonpool + Gathering place
-Fairly big and detailed

First clan - A clan camp inhabited in the forest. They use trees and rocks as dens. Barely any water in their territory. Their whole territory is very... plant-y with loads of greenery. Vines and roots are also used for dens.

Second clan - Their territory is dry and barren like a desert, with barely any water sources, but in the camp their camp has a few waterfalls. Their camp is also quite boulder-y, filled with rocks. Their territory is like a moor. Preferred terrain texture would be african grass.

Thirdclan - Their territory is a lot like the second clan's except darker, with more tree's and lots of streams.

Fourth clan - Like riverclan, they're territory has a bunch of streams, and brooks, as well as lakes. It's also quite grassy as well.

Moonstone/pool and Gathering place - Moonstone/Moonpool should be underground, or in a tunnel sort of structure. The gathering place would preferably on a small island with places for the leaders to sit.

Other additions: Twoleg place in the third clans territory.

Thank you c:

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / KotFS - New Warrior Cat RP!
« on: June 27, 2014, 11:31:12 pm »
Welcome, welcome to Knights of the Fallen Stars! A fully literate, realistic, mapped, VERY active, four clan feral heart Roleplay! Before we get into clan information, please note o read the rules before anything else.
There are 4 clans in KotFS. Each have their own personalities, disadvantages, and quirks. You may sign up for any clan at the end of this post.

Leader: Coldstar
Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

Duskclan have always been a quiet, and introverted clan. They are proper, polite, patient and poised when spoken to, but most cats usually do not like public conflict, or any conflict at all. Among the other clans they are polite, yes, but also quick to temper, and un trusting. They have been the clan to most likely not accept allies, and fight alone in some cases. These cats are like soldiers, their bodies are large and muscular, being bred to fight, and they only speak to other clans for business. They enjoy being independent. Duskclan members are usually dark or pure white pelted, but it varies like other clans. They enjoy the night, and often hunt at night instead of in the day.

Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

Sunclan are the complete opposite of Duskclan. They are social, fun loving, excitable, and they enjoy socializing with other clans. Un like Duskclan, they may be quick to trust, and one thing that may cause them a disadvantage is running into situations too quickly. Despite this, Sunclan have a generally good reputation with all clans. They enjoy basking in the sun, and goofing around. They are often described as fearless, and unspeakably loyal as well. They find rules are needed, and strictly follow the code with honor. They are fun, yet they are also honorable and strong. Their pelts are generally any color, like Brookclan but are often ginger or orange.

Leader: Brolgastar
Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

Being so similar to the old clan Riverclan, Brookclan are water bugs; but they don't just hunt in water, they spend most of their time playing or just resting near or in water. They are clever, sly and cunning but also wise, temperamental and fierce. Like Duskclan they do have a temper. These cats have a great skill in hunting, especially fish. Some may think them to be the most soft, and peaceful clan which is true, but if you get on their nerves, it wont be pretty. They are not hesitant with fighting. Their pelts are often very light grey, or brown, but it can differ.

Leader: Fernstar
Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

Wolfclan act like wolves in some ways. They are very family oriented, and nurturing. Most of the cats there with mates usually have more than one litter. They are very protecting. They will often be too protective, and will become fierce if their clan is threatened. Even if they are not friends, or family with a cat in their clan they will still go out of their way to protect them. These cats are good runners too. They usually sport brown or grey pelts, but it varies. They have a good reputation with Starclan, but will not hesitate to break the code for their clan.

Leader and Medicine cat + Medicine cat apprentice ranks are open, not deputy.
Before applying for a high rank, please read the rules.

Feral Heart Username:
Cat Name:
Activity level (out of 10):
Have you been a staff member in a Warrior Cat RP before?:
Why do you think you deserve this rank?:
RP Sample:

If you would just like to join as a normal member fill this out:

Feralheart Username:
Activity Level(out of 10):
RP Sample:

our site is:

Game Help / My maps Portal isn't showing up in game
« on: June 12, 2014, 11:36:38 pm »
So, I'm finished one of my maps and I go on one of my characters to test it out. Everything seems fine till I can't get out of the map without going to my 'Home' button. There's no portal. Yes I ticked off 'Has Portal' and the arrival stuff is all put it. I tried 'Show Collisions" But it doesn't work either way.

The Forest Of Secrets

A NEW, mapped, Literate, Sited, and Active warrior cat roleplay.

Two years ago the forest our cats live in today was a neighborhood infested with Twolegs, but about a year ago a tornado hit the town, and destroyed the neighborhood. The twolegs went and built somewhere else, abandoning their homes. A forest grew over the crushed houses, and twoleg items. The four clans found this place and decided to use the twoleg's stuff to their advantage as dens, and borders. All is well till twolegs start to show up in the forest again with signs of rebuilding the houses, and what can the clans expect when leaders are receiving mysterious dreams of strange cats in their lands.

Leader: ---
Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

They are dark, mysterious, and quiet. Swift fighters with an attitude; but they are noble. They are quite snarky, and stubborn at times, and they don't like help from anybody. But they are respectable, and yet sometimes, vicious.

Leader: Poppystar
Deputy: ---
Medicine Cat: ---
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

They are sweet, and gentle with friendly personalities. These cats love the water, and are powerful swimmers. They're graceful personalities, are sweet, but also determined, and strict when it comes to training, and getting what they want.

Leader: Wolfstar
Deputy: Cougarfur
Medicine Cat: Willowsong
Medicine Cat Apprentice: ---

They are noble, and proud; determined, and fearless. They fight for what is true, and are generally cats that follow the rules proudly. They may be a self-confident, and intimidating at times, but they are also friendly. They DO NOT like the water, and are very good at climbing.

Leader: Amberstar
Deputy: Wolfmoon
Medicine Cat: Starlingjaw
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Mint

These cats are loud, athletic, and energizing. They use their voice, and fighting skills to intimidate others, but they are also wise. They are sometimes too confident, but they have spirit, and honor as well. They are strong jumpers and climbers too.

Apply to join, and to be a highrank here if you want, but I'm only going to say this ONCE: If you fail to be active, and follow the rules, I will NOT hesitate to de-rank you. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. Do not apply for this just because you want to be above other people... Don't do it just for the sake of being a staff. Do it because you want to help this roleplay.

Forum Username:
In-Game Username:
Cat Name:
Have you been a staff in a roleplay before? (Only answer if your applying to be a highrank)
Roleplay Sample:

Request Maps / Warrior Cat Map Needed!
« on: May 11, 2014, 08:47:59 am »
I need fairly large, detailed warrior cat map with 4 territories, each including a camp, a moonstone/moonpool, and a gathering place. Credit will be given to whoever creates the map, and it doesn't matter how long it takes to make it.

Thanks :P

Game Help / Game Crashes After Map Download!
« on: February 17, 2014, 11:08:38 am »
So, recently my friend gave me the link to one of her maps. I went to the link, put all the files in the proper place, then shut down Fh completely. Doing what you always do after downloading a map, I went back on FH, but when it was starting up, the screen went completely black and there was some message from Windows about how FH isn't working. I tried, again, and again.

Then I re-downloaded it, and it worked for a bit, then I tried downloading another map, that was completely different, and it crashed again!

Please if there's any method you know to fixing this, help x.x

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