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Topics - Anemic

Pages: [1]
Request/Find Meshes / Needing a fence
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:28:27 am »
Making a warrior cat's map and I'll need a fence mesh, preferably barbed wire.
I'll also need a tree that people can climb up and perch upon.  All I need, thanks.  c:
Any help appreciated.

Game Help / "some.material doesn't exist"
« on: May 08, 2013, 07:19:04 pm »
Followed the instructions and double checked, I put everything in my_objects.  It was a .zip file, I'm on a mac
Whenever I go into the object maker, I type in the mesh name and material name.  The mesh shows up but the material is "BaseWhite" and whenever I type in the material name that I know is correct, it says it doesn't exist or wasn't found.
Putting them in the materials folder didn't help either e.e
any help?

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for city meshes
« on: May 05, 2013, 09:41:18 pm »
Making a role play about three crews of dogs living in an abandoned city. 
They live in a hotel sort of thing, so maybe a building that sort of looks like one, or at least a large on they may live in.
Along with just normal building, preferably more torn up, but I can always put other objects on them to make them look older.
And some meshes for a bar or.. pub. 
There may be a few sheds on the outskirts of town, so things like that are fine.
And some.. mattresses, sofas, blankets, other human objects that may be laying around.
Also, I'd prefer RAR files since those tend to work better on my computer. 
Any help appreciated, many thanks c:

Game Help / Feralheart won't open.
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:26:24 pm »
(Asking for help, again.)  
I'm on a mac.
Just finished a map and exported it, I've made three maps before with no problems.  This one is my first with actual meshes theres only about three additional meshes though.  A ship, a building, and some couches. Everything was fine.  I exported it and went in and looked around, I couldn't see the ship mesh I placed in it.  I went to export the ship then closed out to restart.
Whenever I click on feral heart, it displays the screen for two seconds and then closes out.  The map didn't cause any trouble, no lag or anything.  I really don't want to delete this map..
I don't even get to the start screen, it closes out without any warning or error.
I think it may be the ship mesh, or its just a temporary thing where feral heart is just glitching but I've tried several times to reopen it, even after cleaning out my files of old maps.
Should I delete the ship mesh entirely and try to put it in again, or what?  Any help appreciated.

Game Help / Particle help..
« on: April 27, 2013, 10:47:41 pm »
I've gotten meshes two or three times before and still use them.  I just got a fire mesh, and perhaps I'm just being noobish, but I've pasted everything into particles, and all the things with .material at the end in materials.  (Never gotten particles before)
Whenever I type in Fire.particle in the effect maker under particles, it says that it doesn't exist.  I've typed it right and placed it in the particles folder.  Should I be placing it elsewhere, or am I missing a step?
I'm on a mac if that helps.
If anyone has some sort of guide to go to or some suggestions that'd be much appreciated.

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for some pirate meshes
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:22:05 am »
Just needing some basic things for a tropical island map (plants, trees, etc), along with pirate meshes, and a ship of some sort to go along with it.  Preferably one with sails but any sort of large ship will do.
Please and thank you c:

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