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Game Help / African Grass Terrain strikes another user...
« on: August 01, 2013, 03:36:13 pm »
As i saw that this problem it's public for most like 40% of the Feral Heart users , i am striked by this too.
 The African Grass and the reflected free water get my time from all the days .
Graphics card : Inted Dual Core 2 - 32 bits
Windows : 8
I allready tried many times to change de Rendering Subsystem from Direct3D9 to OpenGL , but the game stops working the next time i want to open it .
I allready checked il all of my textures are at the right place . (Feral Heart > media > terrains > textures > defaultTex.cfg -Notepad- )

If someone can help me handle this "error" it would be great .
I also looked on some other threads by others with the same problem . Some say it can't be fixed at all .
When i was haveing Windows 7 i haved the same problem with Feral Heart . After i changed the Rendering Subsystem it worked .

Bot now this strategy dont works at all .

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