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Topics - Hohki

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Many people have the preset sync, so they are bound to see some really really cool presets every now and then! So, I ask you all, what's the coolest preset you've ever seen just running around in-game with the preset sync?

I can never choose a favorite myself...I've seen so many beautiful presets :)

Game Help / The Definition of Spaz
« on: September 21, 2013, 09:35:23 pm »
So, I'm trying to get Feral Heart to work on my laptop. A very peculiar computer, I must say--it's slow with everything, and Impressive Title games cause it to bluescreen. And yet, this little laptop can run Feral Heart at maximum graphics settings with no lag. Which is great.

Except for one thing.

The terrain won't stop spazzing.

I tried everything, and there seems to be no easy fix. Any ideas?

Also, I got on one of my character in Ficho, and the minimap's white parts were medium grey O.o

Game Help / The Movie Maker
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:05:26 pm »
If this is in the wrong place, please move it.

I was just browsing through the game's files when I found something interesting: the overlay programming for the movie maker in the tools screen. I knew it wasn't just the multiplayer movie maker because it had things for selecting a map and adding characters. This means that there is an at least partially functional movie-making tool in the game's coding. It's only a matter of accessing it.

I'm not very good at hacking, so I tried accessing it the same way one would access the flora editor in Spore: I made a shortcut and added "-state:moviemaker". Obviously, it didn't work, or else everyone and their dog would know about it by now.

I know some people here on FH are better at getting to this sort of thing than I am. If anyone can find a way to access the Movie Maker artifact, I will be willing to pay them for the information depending on how hard it is to get to.

Thanks in advance,


EDIT: To make it more clear, by "hacking" I meant something like the EMB mods, not editing the map files (which is what the rule is specifically referring to). Furthermore, the "overlay programming" is not an encrypted file--it can be opened, read, and modified in Notepad without having any effect on the game itself, so I was not breaking the rules by taking a quick look through there.

Species / The Goyabhed **new subspecies every month!**
« on: August 24, 2013, 01:08:14 pm »
NOTE: In order to see this species correctly, you must have Ringo & Delay's item pack!  

A new species has been spotted in Bonfire recently...

Introducing the goyabhed!

The goyabhed is a large wolfish carnivore found mainly around the coast of Bonfire Island, where it hunts horses and other large game.  

The goyabhed is very wary of humans, which may carry guns or other weapons.  Their pelt is very soft, making them a target for hunters; however, only a shot to the eye can easily penetrate its skull and do real damage to the brain from a distance because the goyabhed has evolved a thick skull from fighting over mates during mating season.  

Female goyabheds are larger than males, and are dominant year-round except during mating season.  The reason for their larger size is, in fact, so they can carry more cubs; dominance was an unintended side effect.  



Cubs are born blind and deaf, and they don't grow horns until they become teens.  Their eyes and ears open a few days after birth; their teeth grow in when they reach two weeks of age.  At this point, they can eat meat like their parents, but they still can't hunt on their own.  


Teens can hunt with their parents; however, they can't take down large prey, such as horses and cows.  


They also come with different horns!  

NOTE: All goyabheds must have backwards-pointing horns or ram horns.  No exceptions.  

MATING SEASON: Mating season is in March.  Males fight like goats over mating rights to the females.  They will not kill each other; however, they may still seriously injure each other.  Females who have mated in March are pregnant throughout April and give birth in May.  

Colors range from bright orange to golden brown.  Underfur, above eyes, below eyes, and tail tip must be white.  Mane must be brown.  No markings or wings.  Eyes can be any color.  

Additionally, while the tuft must be either back mane or back elbow rump, the mane can be anything (including maneless).  

These standards may change for different subspecies, which will be discussed next month when I introduce a second one.  For now, feel free to run around Bonfire as a Bonfirian goyabhed!  


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Wing editors
« on: June 13, 2013, 07:35:53 pm »
I'm thinking of something similar to the body editors, but for the wings.  It'd be, like, wing size, wing length, wing thickness, feather/web size, feather/web spread, and some others.  Oh, and wing markings, too.  I think it would be very nice.  

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