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Topics - Horzie

Pages: [1]

I'm Feral, I don't want a huge application, soooo....

Name: Ruby... I'm a jewel now?

Gender: Uh.. Female! Well I've met no boy called Ruby! xD

Age: 10 :3 So young.

Traits: |Fun| Caring At Times| Weird| Hyper| Animal-Lover| CRAZAY! | Some people may call me a weird giggler, but that's not a trait. | Believe or not I'm very shy :3 |

History: Well, I have not got a lot to tell. I was born, that's when I got my first puppy, his name was Bosco and he was a cute Chocolate Labrador. I have 2 bigger sisters, Kelly and Erin. Erin has a baby, named Lauren, I'M A 10 YEAR OLD AUNTIE! :D! Anyway... Of course I went to school, but when I was 3 my parents split up, but it didn't really affect me as I still see him every weekend luckily... That's when Bosco died of something, I think it was cancer near his heart or something.. That's when I started to loose confidence in everything I took part of, and became very shy. Luckily, my 4th day of school made me very happy! My bezzie, Tiff came to me and she made everything better by becoming my friend, and showing me a boy, who  is still my friend today, but not my boyfriend! It's way fun to hang out with them. They were so weird, and adventurous, as they still are now! Last year, I got another wonderful dog named Redgie, who is a over-excitable Husky Cross Akita, he is so fluffy!

Thrillex :3
The Mods :D
Reshi for drawing my Chocolate doggy! ((Bosco :) but I made him call him Chocolate :) ))
Hopefully everyone on the forums!
Everyone who posts here -_- Lol.

Other boring stuff!
I'm getting a Android Tablet for my birthday!
I'm going to Spain soon!

I'm going to keep you updated on my Horse Riding Stuff, I will start from last week!

Last Week: I rode a beautiful horse named Sonic, and I cantered! My friend screeched  like  a cat when she did canter!
Sonic, 12 Years.

This Week: I cantered on Ffion, such a cute pony. I cantered by accident, and instead of doing a normal canter, I ended up doing a jockey canter! My instructor called me 'The Jockey' my mum laughed her head of :3
Ffion, 9 years.


I am very good at English, one of the top students in my year, my teacher said, I got the second highest marks there in the year!

Some people say I am a fast typer!

I run quite fast, but not faster than my friend Jess, she can run like a cheetah! :3

Praise / Hopefully this belongs here!
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:16:02 am »
I know it seems weird, but I want to praise myself for doing something!

I know this isn't about Feral  Heart, but I can't resist telling my floofy friends! Last week, I went Horse Riding like I naturally do, and I rode on  Sonic, a beautiful white horse dappled with  grey spots. Little did I know he was the fastest horse! Naturally, we walked and trotted by ourselves, but then our instructor said we must canter! I was gobsmacked, and I thought we were cantering when he first started! He was incredibly fast, but then I could feel when he actually started to canter. I'm proud of me for doing that, and I came home all on a hype... Many horses are there, but I felt that Sonic was a good experience for me as he was the fastest one there.

My beautiful Sonic!

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Please Look!
« on: May 09, 2013, 05:19:08 pm »

I would like someone to draw my fursona! Anyway, might as well get on with it but here's the rules!

1. Please Follow The Reference!

2. Even though if someone has already drawn one, you could still make me another one :3 because every single one will be put in my picture at least once!

3. I can't give you anything, but I failed drawing that I will do on paint or paper.. Both rubbish things xD.

Heres my app!

Name: Kiki
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years.
Pose: She is sitting down, and looking like she just fell over her ears drooped a bit.
Emotion: A confused and dazed  look.

Art Gallery / Feral's Art! -Will Be Updated!-
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:54:50 pm »
Hey, I'm Feral! I may be 10, but I think I'm a pretty good drawer for my age! Anyway, lets get onto the art, and I will describe each character along the way.. Plus, these are just quick sketches, I'm not saying there bad, like most artists, but its not my best.


Bingo! My first character I ever thought off. He is a bouncy pup, at the age of 10 months. His mother, soon seen, named Jess, looked after him, until he was 8 months, when he finally found a carer! He lives with another dog, called Scrap. Bingo is very active, and loves to mess around!


Scrap! He's about my last character, he's adorable though. He is about 10 now, but still as active as Bingo! His mother, Charlie, didn't really care for him, and took care of him until he was about 2 months, then he got sold. He lives a happy life, along with Bingo. He can be active, but not for long.


Sasha does look like a boy, but inside she is a truly girly girl! She loves to mess around, but doesn't even go near the slightest drop of mud! Despite that, she can be very bubbly, and playful! She is 5 Years, but acts like she is 4 months old.


Jess is a over-protective dog, and still thinks of her pup, Bingo. She is reaching 3 years old, so she had Bingo when she was 2. She is quite playful, but likes to keep her cool!

Introduction / Say Hello!
« on: April 23, 2013, 05:51:12 am »
Hello! I'm Feral!Well, I'm new, of course! You will mostly be seeing me around the Off Topic areas, and the Species area. Although I'm only 10, I would say I'm a rather good roleplayer! Anyway! I hope to see you all around the forums!

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