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Topics - shineywolf

Pages: [1]
Species / Shining Wolves
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:20:28 pm »
   Shining wolves are rare.

  The Shining wolves live in Fluorite, Cape, Ficho, Ascension, and sometimes Sky's rim.


   Shinning wolves are Carnivores so they eat meat. They eat Rabbits, Fish, Shrews, Gophers, Deer, birds, really anything they can over power and kill.

   They ...
And the rest is simple any markings and colors.

Side notes

They are notorious killers. They will never go to bonfire because there's to many people. They will never go to South pole its to cold and they hate cold.

Leaving / Leaving for a while..
« on: June 07, 2013, 02:11:51 am »
See ya's hope y'all have funnito Imma leave until this whole "Fake superfeesh" Debate blows over or gets bombed into being locked. You may see me online here. That checking to see if this Fake superfeesh thing has blown over. So see y'all.

Pages: [1]