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Topics - Princesca

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Not sure if I should be putting this here or what but no one in the game actually answers me or even seems to acknowledge me so.
Hi! I have three canine characters, two males and a female. The males are both wolves, Hocher and Archi, and the female is... a Mutt of some form named Zuri. I'd prefer to play my males because I find it easier to play male characters. I've been RPing for almost ten years... I do literate RP usually through email, but I do PP too. I usually can make a good paragraph but it's been a while since I've RPed animals so if we could maybe incorporate humans to make the transition easier. I like to make up a human version of my characters for fun anyway, but maybe they could be shifters. I'll tell a bit about my characters. Also, I don't do off the bat romances. I want character development and plot.

Hocher is a medium sized wolf with short, coarse fur, a mix of black, brown, white and grey. He has heterochromia; a blue eye and a gold one. He has huge paws and a thick, fluffy tail. He is very passive aggressive but has a total smart-ass personality. He is always right in his mind and is very protective over his friends. He has a warm heart and is happiest when put in an authoritative position, whether it be as a mentor, a father or an alpha. He has never had a mate, but isn't in a rush to get one. He prefers having female friends.

Archi is a medium sized wolf with long, curly, thick fur in different shades of dull brown. His fur is long and in permanent mats around his stomach and neck. His eyes are amber colored and very expressive. Archi is a no crap kind of guy, taking things as they come and forgetting people and things that don't matter to him. He is opportunistic and more likely to ignore everyone unless there's a reason for him to not. He's had a fair share of mates, but he doesn't do well with submissive mates because if they let him he will squish them into the ground with his personality. He needs someone who will fight back and keep him entertained.

Zuri is your basic mutt. There is no defining feature to tell her breed. Her coat is a mix of black, grey, white and rust. Her fur is short and soft as can be, lacking any form of guard hair which is horrible in the winter. She has big ears and a small head with bright blue eyes. She was born without a tail, which is most likely due to bad breeding and mutations. It causes her no problems though. She's very small, but not so small to be mistaken with a pup. She has a mischievous, curious personality and is very flirtatious. She hates immaturity and seeks out someone older than her, someone to take control and put her in her place. Much like Archi, she will bully and push and fight until she's told not to.

Request a Preset/Marking / First Preset?
« on: December 23, 2013, 08:36:20 pm »
I only just got back into the game and I was wondering if anyone could make me a preset? It's not too difficult I don't think, and I used a flash game thing to make it easier to provide a reference. The chain would be awesome, but if it can't be done, that's fine by me. I just want a pretty puppy.

Introduction / Hello!
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:33:26 pm »
Hi there :)

I've had this account forever, but I don't think I actually played it much.  Now I'm back with the intention of playing whenever I can. I'm a big fan of open world games like this.
I've been roleplaying for close to ten years, and I've roleplayed everything under the sun. Animals, humans, scifi, fantasy, etc. I adore roleplaying because I'm also a writer and it helps me improve my ability.
I'm not sure what else to tell you guys.... if you wanna rp or talk or like, help me in the game that'd be p. cool.

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