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Topics - Whirrbee

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Game Help / Map Help Needed!
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:24:41 am »
  Ok so as the title states I need help with a map. You see I had made the height map and everything I did everything this tutorial said to do Up until the terrain maske because when I went to load my height map Feral Heart stopped working. It was as if it just said Nope I'm done.

   I had looked around a bit for answers to why this was happening and how I could fix it some solutions I found were to simple just rename it or make sure it was in grayscale and all that. I tryed to rename it that didn't work and I made sure everything was up to key and everything was perfect it was in grayscale, 513x513 everything.
   So I'd like to know any other ways I might be able to fix this. I'm very very interested in making maps, but I can't do what I want if I don't have a height map am I right? So if you know anything I'd really appreciate your help. Should I reinstall Feral Heart? Should I use a different program? Anything. Thanks.

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