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Topics - Wimperite

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Wimperite's suggestions and opinion.
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:11:27 pm »
Okay, I'm done. I've been here on this (And an alternate) Account for two years now? And I figured I'll post my opinion.

Why was this locked? It was a genuine question. Does linking to the RIP general thread REALLY answer their question? Cause I'd like to know the answer too.

 Did you see me complaining when Gen was down? No? That's because it made sense at the time, after I witnessed a nasty conversation. But you know why I'm posting my opinion? Because this attitude of 'share my opinion or shut up', or, 'u r just being meen member by not sharing our mind-set' and manipulation is, well, irritating to say the least.

First off, we were supposed to give General's removal a chance, because it was not set in stone to be permanent, and it was just a test. Well, is that test over? Does making us read the same thread over and over tell us if it's over? Is it permanent? Well, I'd say several months was long enough. Would it kill you to actually let people talk about their experiences and opinions since it was removed?

I think a few months would tell you whether or not people were against or for this decision. But nobody has a chance to say anything because every thread is shut down, why? Because there was a thread for it. That was locked. Several months ago. And that means nobody should ever ever ever talk about it again.

I know this thread will be locked (And probably deleted) And everyone is going to laugh, and laugh. I also know you won't actually reply to my entire thread. You'll just find one little sentence to talk about and write a few paragraphs about it. At least, that's what I always see the majority of staff doing to arguments against them. Because look! Text! Don't need to respond to anything else!

Also, can I just mention that the game was edited without Kovu's okay? I know he hasn't responded to you, but does that give you the right to change anything?

He spent a very long time on this game, only to have Razmirz remove part of it, without any consultation towards him. I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty damn disrespectful. Did Gen break the game? Was it as bad as the moviespam? Because I've seen a good amount of vulgar movies that are never put to a stop. In fact, I rarely see any bad behavior put to a stop. The only behavior I've seen put to a stop is roleplay leaders being kicked for posting movies, instead of the people cussing up a storm at stone bridge. But that's right. Mods can't monitor everything. Not like, you know, they technically could if there were enough. But forum staff aren't trusted enough to be in-game staff, that's a right reserved for the beloved floofies, amiright?

Oh, did Raz even tell the mods before he removed it? Well, he didn't tell three of them. I was there when it was removed, and I know three mods were quite angry about it when they first found out. I take that as a sign Raz actually didn't tell anyone, and the staff team were forced to go along with it. That doesn't seem fair. Also, who exactly did he consult with beforehand? We've never gotten names, despite the question being asked over and over. I also find it pretty darn fishy none of the mods dislike the General removal. Why is that? You have such a large staff team, you'd think at least one of you would have mixed feelings, but so far, all I see is 'oh it's so great!' or just someone avoiding the question.

SO far this looks like a rant about Gen and the way everyone handled it, so let me give my opinions on other parts of the game. I know you can't do bug fixes, so I'll comment on the things you COULD change

Rules. I like the rules, I think they're decent, but it's a shame you couldn't get everyone to read them. Is there a way you could lock the game download, so someone would have to fill out a question and answer form in order to access it? That way, they would HAVE to read the rules to get some of the answers.

The community on the forums is really nice, but in-game most of the people I meet are rude, and a lot of members are, well, vicious. I don't know if there's any way for the staff to fix this, though. People will be people. ;-;.

As for bans and kicks, perhaps instead of telling people confused about bans or kicks to whisper a mod, why doesn't the person who locks it send them a form to fill out regarding their ban? Of course, that could be a lot of work, but being a mod means helping out the community, right? I dunno, it might be too time consuming.

I also would like to suggest a once-a-week day, (Maybe monday?) That the server is shut off for maintenance, where it's restarted, and the forums are given a face-lift.

And perhaps a bit of control of alt accounts. I have two so I can rp in two places, but I'd be happy to give up my second. I think it's a bit over-the-top when people have four+ accounts, it stresses out the servers and is unnecessary on my opinion. I think the game would benefit greatly by having the users and accounts sorted out.

Well, Wimp's ranted and given her opinions and suggestions. Wimp out.

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