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Topics - KizaHUN

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Toxic Paws SITE NOW UP! New models added! Accepting staff!
« on: November 10, 2013, 03:13:08 pm »
Hello I will make a new MMORPG called Toxic Paws!

We will really make an MMORPG??
Yes we will! :D

You can be:

We are accepting staff at the moment!
Here some models what I founded!

The Lion:

The Cat:

The Wolf:

The Bear(s):

The Other models is in making!!
Our site!

Other Games / Toxic Paws! The new and awesome MMORPG server!
« on: November 03, 2013, 12:08:22 pm »
Hello dear members! I just want to post here a new server! We need members staff and others!

You can be a:


The forum rules!

Do not hack and do not break the forum otherwise you will be banned

Forum Rules

All forum rules will be posted here, so you don't have to go to each board to look at each rule. YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL FORUM RULES.

General Forum Rules

Do not Impersonate Staff.

Do not cuss.

Do not start a debate unless you can control it.

Respect Staff and your Fellow members.

Keep the posts Rated PG-13, meaning no sexual content, etc.

Everyone must follow the Proboards Terms of Service, especially the rule where You must be 13 or older to be on this forum, or Proboards in general.

DO NOT START DRAMA.We're trying to keep this community fun for everyone, and drama, gossip, etc. Will NOT be tolerated.

Please do not bring religion into anything, you may be offending someone.

If you have a complaint about a member, PM a Staff member. If you have a complaint about a staff, PM and Admin.

Stay on the topic, do not go off topic.


Do not double post (Posting twice in a row) modify only your last post.


Staff, respect all other members, because they are equals. Do not disrespect others.

Do not beg for items, positions, presets, etc. You can easily get those things yourself.

Do not steal artwork, presets, icons, or codes/models. If we catch you doing this you wll be banned.

Do not display images or videos in your signature, avatar or posts that are sexual, offending, or display any kind of nudity. Doing so will get you banned.

Do not blackmail staff or members. If you are being blackmailed, PM a admin so we can warn or, if it is serious, ban the member.

Do not threaten people. Doing so will get you banned as long as there is proof.

Do not scam people.

Make sure to have fun.

We need sure the Rule translaters too!



So there is a new and own IT server what Im created.

I need staff members and members :P
There will be roleblays and events.
So yes Im need item makers forum administrators and others...
If you want to join
Come here:

Server Status:

Pages: [1]