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Topics - hadou

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ATF is an up and coming FH rp group taking place in a crowded unnamed city in Russia, post nucelar fallout. The inhabitants that survived are scarce but canines have flourished in ruin. Man has not been exterminated, & pose as their greatest threat. Along side the troubles of surviving in ruin there are rumors of a nasty diease traveling by air, spurring the gas-mask trend.

if you'd like to learn more, please visit our website-
this group is a W I P

We are currently searching for mods to help with the group, and fill high ranking members
[ Czar council (found) < general (1) = high medic (1) ].
I need one last mod, the high medic
If you have any interest please fill out this form and send it to me via message or in a comment below.


Nickname/Preferred name:_____
How can you help/What are your skills?____
How often will you be available?____
Which position interests you?____
Screenshot or drawing of the character you'll join: (optional)

 - feel free to ask any questions you may have
*image used is an edited screenshot of the map

Preset Commissions

I've been making realistic canine presets for a group of mine, and would like to expand it though I don't need presets for myself so I thought why not make other people's characters.
I am best with realistic presets, with realistic markings but I will try to do any marking you throw my way. I can design you one myself, if you give me colors, a species, or a description. I will do canine, or feline presets, either gender. I use tearless's textures on most, but if you prefer a different texture I will use it on request.
I can usually get these done in a few hours if I am free, I can even do Join Me's so you can watch or send you WIP shots.


Prices and Options

So, I'm just starting out so the base price will be 20-30 Points, BUT I will also accept art [ good quality, detailed art like the preset, not just scribbles mind you ] as payment as well. I know others are doing free requests, but I'm a busy lady and work very hard on these, making them perfect and very high quality so I think I deserve something for it you feel. NO scrolls just yet, I'm not very comfortable with them, though everything else is fine.
If you have any questions, please send me a private message or comment !

Order Now

Comment on this thread with...
 the image of the character,
or a description of them,
or what you want me to design.
I will then send you a message to confirm the details and talk about price.

Presets & Markings / FREE Preset Adoptable !! [closed]
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:11:03 pm »

This is a female, Eastern Dhole Feralheart preset I made to be adopted out, I used tearless's textures & a bunch of Dhole references for her design.

Though there are rules so read them before trying for her.

  • Rules:
     - you may not edit the preset itself, though the eye color will be changed to whatever you wish when you adopt her
     - she remains a she, female, girl.
     - you may name her, give her a personality and all of that good stuff, BUT she must be used in my group
     - if you drop out of the group, you may give her away or delete her.
     - the group's info is here
     - if you'd like a preset like her, but not join the group I'll do point commissions, just note me.

    How to Adopt:
    Fill out this little application, her new owner will be chosen in 3 days !
     name: [must be asian/indian]
     eye color:
     brief personality: [use words, examples, or write a little paragraph]
     extras: [points, artwork, stories, why you chose this eye color etc. these will heighten the chance of you winning]


Good luck, and if you have any questions note me or comment here.

Ends: 9/19, Friday !



My first preset of my Dhole character Deshi, it was super fun to make. I used tearless's fur textures and FHHD to take the screenies.
full size here
I don't have many other characters who need a preset, so I was wondering if I was good enough to do requests, trades or commissions ?
Any tips or critiques are really appreciated


[ A dhole roleplay ]

? looking for high ranks and mods to get us started, please visit our website HERE for details ?

Hello, and welcome to The Yu Dynasty, a small clan of Dhole
 [A Dhole is very similar to a fox as you can see in the banner] ,
living in peace by the ways of the ancient gods.
The canines of the Dynasty all love under the equal rein of the Emperor and the Dragon Council.
They make laws, enforce punishments and also second as priests or priestesses.
The Council heads all ceremonies like weddings, birthing, and funerals.
The clan is very devouted to their gods and nature, not willing to raise a hurtful paw unless necessary


We're looking for active and loyal members to join our group. We have a bunch of positions which need to be filled in order for us to be complete. A complete list is located at our site. I [the creator/ emperor] will be on everyday for a few days to advertise fairly quickly near the SB if you'd like to talk there instead of submit a form. I'm usually there 2-6 pm EST. I'm also thinking of creating another preset that can only be used in this group to give away to get members, though I'm not sure yet.

we are also going to be useing these maps
 they download at the same time and our camp will in echolands,
 though we will travel to the deadlands every now and then.

//[All information is on the website, please visit for more details]\\

pixel dhole created and owned by me, please DO NOT use


Request Maps / Looking for a experienced/novice map maker ! ;w;
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:33:57 pm »

Well, I've tried time and time again to make a little map for myself and possibly a group but no matter what it crashes or just doesn't work at all.
I'm done with trying, so here I am begging someone to make me a map, or at least REALLY help me make one with me.
I can make the weather and sky just fine so that's no issue, it's rather the height map, and items and custom items etc. that I need help with.
I have both the grey scale and color squares, but whenever I try to use them it crashes.

I'm willing to pay in coding, art, pixel animations, but not money unless you will only take money and I really love your work.
My da is if you want examples of some of my work.

Please help me out, guys, aha.

Message me for skype/email if you want to contact me that way or just comment!

Introduction / hellur~ newbie here
« on: October 02, 2013, 07:44:09 pm »
hey there,
i'm hadou, known as hadou on almost all the sites i go on,
besides cs where i go by .sarcastic.cow.

i'm used to rp websites, and am active on The Endless Forest, which is similar to this.

i have no idea how to act on this site... like at all .3. so be gentle with me, if i say something or do something that's 'unacceptable' here, mostly in game, realize that i have no idea what i'm doing...

;u; i'd like to think i'm friendly, and enjoy roleplaying,
just posted my first character khuna
feel free to check out his stuff ~

i'm just about to go in game for the first time and make him,

i also plan to make presents, and if i'm any good, i'll take some requests ;u;

well, nice to meet you all .

Characters / {khuna} *updated*
« on: October 02, 2013, 06:49:43 pm »

    • ;basic;
      alias; khuna or rakta
      nicknames; none atm
      years; ageless
      appears to be; around 21 years
      species; bewitched tiger
      orientation; pan-romantic
      origin; india
      mate/interest; none
      kin; none known
          heavily built siberian tiger;
          massive paws, and large head;
          burnt orange pelt
          tainted by black covering the tip of his snout,
          along his spine, to his tail;
          white markings decorate his face,
          front paws, ribs, hind paws, and tail;
          orange eyes with a stilted pupil.
          appears around 21 human years
          curious, strong willed, calm
          cooperative, confident
          patient, rowdy
          loves to run, and hop. loves to spar
          can be protective. can be aggressive
          but only if pestered.
          very social, tends to hang around others
          enjoys cubs/pups
          seems wise, yet excitable

                       hellur~ this is my first character for this site;
                    just joined fh today, though i'm familiar with this kinda stuff
                    although i have no idea how to act around here,
                    so be gentle with me .3. please

                    if you want a private roleplay on forum, pm or email, just post here or pm me ;u;

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