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Pages: [1]
Introduction / simply returned
« on: October 21, 2013, 06:18:53 pm »
hey yo everyone.

Nate Dogg here.
You may not know it but i've actually played and known about feral heart since it was very first created.
Iv'e been playing for a very very long time.

But one year my feral heart stopped working, and i ceased playing for a while. when i came back, everything looked different, there were wings now, santa hats, new poses and everything.

So I've had to basically re learn everything about the in game experience.
Un able to remember my old account information I was able to make a new one for myself last night. Me and my twin brother J-Rabbit play with our friends P1lot 101 and Tigerheart89.

It's so good to see how far this game has come over time. i've, in a sense, watched it develop through youtube, and tiger herself. but i was baffled by the wings and the amount of people who are on.

I'm so glad to be back! I'm alright with people calling me a n00b and such. I know i'm a vet, tiger does, ben does, and jude does. that is all i need. i mean i was technically a noob to all the new features right? so the name doesnt affect me much. I feel special being able to say i've been around since the very beginning <3

Nate Dogg,
out <:3)~

Game Help / feralheart black screen issue
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:56:44 am »
my friend brivi has just made a feralheart and after:
-downloading the patch
-checking all files are correct

when she logs in the background is just hills, no trees or anything.
her creating a character shows the character but everything is black
upon starting the game you can still see the character but it is still all black.

can I get some help please?

Pages: [1]