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Topics - sunlessarizona

Pages: [1]
Species / The Lightwolves and the Darkwolves
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:54:46 pm »
The Darkwolves are a tribe of batwinged wolves with back ears, black pelts, and celtic markings. The markings can be any color, and they are usually named for their colors. Their eyes are always swirls, and their eyes are the same color as their markings. The tail is a sickle tail. Example below.

 To join the Darkwolf tribe, message me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also, Coil is the leader of the Darkwolf tribe. My in-game name is abbyjane333

The Lightwolves are a tribe of angelwinged wolves with normal ears, white pelts, and celtic markings. The markings can be any color and they are usually named for their colors. Their eyes are always glow orbs, and are always the color of their markings. The tail is regular. Example below.

To join the Lightwolf tribe, message me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. My in-game name is abbyjane333

Also, I would reccomend playing with the following mod installed:

Also, we roleplay in the map Meteor Forest. Download link here:

Also, to join you must have this installed:

Also, to join you need Mass Markings.

The tribes are almost always fighting, and I will edit this and post the leader of the Lightwing tribe as soon as I find a leader. The suffixes for the tribes are Light and Dark. Make sure you include all of your wolf's information, as well as coloring it right. Include a picture or a detailed description of your wolf.

TERRITORY: The big circular indent belongs to the Darkwolf tribe, and everything else belongs to the light wolf tribe except the pond, which is neutral. Any wolves caught trespassing unless they are going to the lake must be chased out. Tribe leaders can deliver messages to one another. Another neutral area is the area with a large amount of plant life with one tree right in the middle. Those are the hunting grounds.

Darkwolf: Coil F Dark is the leader of the Darkwolf tribe.

Lightwolf: We do not yet have a Lightwolf leader! We need someone dedicated who plays a lot. Apply in the comments.

I will post everyone who has been accepted into the tribe. If someone who is not in the group tries to start RPing, ignore them. We will RP in group chat, except for when we need to talk to wolves who are in the other tribe.

Enjoy this RP!


Leader: Coil F Dark





Coil F Dark



Characters / Emerald
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:22:14 pm »
Emerald is a dark grey wolf with mysterious markings on her body. She gets her name from her eyes, which are like sparkling emeralds. She was abandoned as a pup because of her eyes, which were so different from the other wolves in her pack.

Gender: Female
Age: 37 Wolf Years
Mate: Jax (the grim reaper)

Characters / The CloudWeaver
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:16:56 am »
CloudWeaver is my main char.

 CloudWeaver is the wolf of the clouds and is thought to be good luck when she passes over villages and towns, for her coming almost certainly means rain for crops.

 INFORMATION: Gender: Female Age: 29 Wolf Years Mate: None; looking[/size]

Stories / Darkened Skys [A FeralHeart Creepypasta]
« on: April 06, 2014, 01:35:33 am »
Ok this is my first creepypasta! So don't hate plz.

At around 5:00 in the afternoon I plopped down on my bed and opened my computer. I tried to decide what to play and settle on Minecraft but I quickly got bored and closed it, looking for something interesting to play. I looked at a couple web pages thatI thought might have been updated then my gaze fell onto the three paws FH icon and I murmered "I have not played FH in a while. I guess I could play with Lunar for a bit." I then clicked the icon and the screen popped up, everything normal. I logged in and found Lunar, then clicked play. I spawned in Ficho Tunnel, where I had last left off, but no-one was there. It was strange because at 5:00 PM, lots of people are in Ficho Tunnel. I decided to check the forums but when the page came up it said Game Server Is Online With 2 Players Online. I knew one was me, but who was the other? I pulled FH back up and walked into Bonfire. What I saw suprised me so much I can't fine words to describe it. The entire Bonfire map was EMPTY and I just couldent belive it even though no-one was on according to the forums... It just seemed so unnatural, the map was always full to bursting. I then saw a black speck in the distance and my wolf ran tword it without me touching anything at all! Soon I got closer to the wolf and saw that he was pitch black with no eyes. I mean, it was just hollow where his eyes should be. I was'nt scared yet because it takes more than that to scare me. Even so, I immediatly closed FH before I even saw his nametag. I started playing FH again and the some thing hapened, and I saw his user, it was 'NOmoreLIVING' I admit, I was a little creeped out by this but I did NOT close FH. His chars name was 'kIllEr' and I thought the name was a little noobish, because of the capitalized vowels. But I was still creeped out. Then he spoke.
<kIllEr> hOw ArE yOU?
<Lunar> um... good?
<kIllEr> I Am gOOd tOO. wAnt tO plAy A gAmE?
<Lunar> What kind of game?
<kIllEr> A fUn gAmE.
<Lunar> Sure. I'll play.
<kIllEr> cOmE wIth mE.
Then, the screen went black and then faded back into a map I had never seen before. It was a forest map with bloodstained trees and a dark sky. The same wolf then appeared in front of me, floating in a sitting position.
<kIllEr> thE gAmE hAs bEgUn.


Forum Games / Rate the profile pic
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:17:27 pm »
 ::) Just rate the profile picture and move on! ::)

Presets & Markings / ArcticOcelot's Presets
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:56:52 pm »
Um, I have never made a preset before but plz request so that I can practice making them, and hopefully I will get better. :D


I am only taking three requests at a time. Also, please do not hurry me! I have a life y'know!

Characters / Looking for foxes!
« on: December 21, 2013, 05:27:31 pm »
Calling all foxes! Calling all foxes! I am looking for recruits for the fox clan Immortal Realm. If you don't have a fox, then just make your favorite wolf char smaller! If you see Moonfox, its me, the leader of the clan!

See you in Lost Cave cause' thats where my pack thrives.

Game Discussion / Are you good at presets or not?
« on: December 07, 2013, 01:15:03 am »
I want to see if you're good at presets or not! I hope you have a good with this poll! And please be honest, its no fun if everyone lies.
Have a good day!

I hope you also enjoy the image!!!  :P  ;D

Request a Preset/Marking / I need a preset!
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:08:30 am »
Plz make me an awesome preset I don't care what it looks like just plz make me one

Characters / Canine OR Feline?
« on: November 27, 2013, 02:00:56 am »

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