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Topics - -Sapphire-

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hello Everyone. C:
« on: November 23, 2013, 11:26:37 pm »
Hello, the names Sophie, (but I do go online by Sapphire often) After waiting for a week, staying up until midnight or later often, (I'm quite impatient so I had almost given up) I almost fainted when I found registration open just now, (even though it's 23:19 xD.) I found feralheart because I am a role-player I wanted to RP in an MMO game and just generally have some fun. I'm a literate role-player and I'm excited to join RPs!  I also enjoy digital art and graphics so I'll probably start making presets once I've figured everything out. C: In real life I enjoy writing and read, drawing and baking, ridig and dancing too. Any tips and help with things would be great!

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