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Topics - Kyanite.

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S.C.O.R.C.H.E.D  L.A.N.D.S

A thunderstorm eventually started a fire. And that fire spread across the forest.

Murk, Brook, Island and PebbleClan were recently founded Clans that, by bad luck, were affected by this tragedy...


Scorched Lands is a literate, sited, mapped, plotted, active and long term roleplay with 30+ members. The roleplay started in December of 2016, and currently uses a temporary map. 

The Clans

Leader -- Martenstar
Deputy -- OPEN
Medicine cat -- Fernpool
Medicine cat apprentice -- N/A

The Clan received it's name due to the thick mist that always seems to surround the whole territory.
MurkClan is probably the most aggressive out of the four Clans. That doesn't mean it's cats go around looking for fights, and breaking too many rules, but MurkClanners are well-known for being mainly blood-thirsty killers and code-breakers, of course, there's also exceptions. Their leader will only enter a conflict with another Clan in extreme situations, same with trespassing territories, but won't hestitate to take any intruders in the territory as prisoners. MurkClan cats are often brown-pelted and medium sized, with large claws. MurkClanners tend to be swift and logical in battle, hiding themselves in the shadows before attacking first. They generally hunt small rodents, birds and sometimes, fish.


Leader -- Stormstar
Deputy -- OPEN
Medicine cat -- OPEN
Medicine cat apprentice -- N/A

Previously called SwampClan due to it's Swamp-like territory, now simply a brook after the incident; hence the Clan's renaming. BrookClan cats are often slim, swift and intelligent. They're quite good swimmers and mainly feed themselves off fish.


Leader -- Cloverstar
Deputy -- OPEN
Medicine cat -- OPEN
Medicine cat apprentice -- N/A

Like it's name clearly says, these cats have their camp on an island.
wip description

Leader -- Goldenstar
Deputy -- Wolfmask
Medicine cat -- Monsterstrike
Medicine cat apprentice -- N/A

Pebbleclan cats are, or at least seem to be, some of the more resourceful cats of the groups. Having recieved the worst of the flooding, those in this clan have to be at least somewhat adaptable to survive, and most resources- along with many of those unlucky enough to be trapped in the flood- were lost. However, despite this, cats from Pebbleclan tend to be somewhat level-headed, and quick thinking allowed them to rather quickly make use of the trees and other den-like structures in the area. They now make use of these shelters as dens, favoring ones that are off the ground.


If you are interested in joining the roleplay, please fill out the form below and either pm it to me or post in replies! If you wish to audition for a high rank, auditions are on the site~

FH Username:
Character name:
Short character description:
Roleplay sample:



Forest of Secrets and Wisdom
A Feralheart Warriors roleplay

Roleplay Info
We are a friendly warrior cats roleplay, which is multi-clanned with a total of 156 members. However, some of these members are quite inactive, which is why we are looking for new active members!
We are sited, mapped, semi-lit, plotted, realistic and we require a roleplay sample!

Here's some information on the Clans

MountainClan cats can be kind-hearted, but some may be rude and harsh. But, none the less, these cats are friendly if you get on they're good side. They can be quiet when needed. They are good observers.
Leader - Bonestar
Deputy - Northernsky
Medicine Cat - Hawkshade

TreeClan cats are wise and agile. They are friendly towards out-siders and harsh towards rule-breakers. They can be bold.
Leader - Echostar
Deputy - Mouseflight
Medicine Cat - Spottedfern

StoneClan cats are warrior code breakers. They seek power and plan on ruling the whole forest if given a chance. They are ruthless.
Leader - Cobrastar
Deputy - Patchfur
Medicine Cat - Cloverleaf

FallenClan has suddenly taken the gathering place as camp. This is a new intruding Clan, and they appear to be quite similar to StoneClan
Leader - Redstar
Lead Warrior - Spiderface
Herbalist - Open

Interested yet? If so, go to

Yes, we require a login to view the site, but don't be afraid to register and then post a joining application!

Go to to read what you need to fill out to post a joining application, then once you've filled it out, create a new thread and then post on the board which that thread was located!

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