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Topics - DragonsFire05

Pages: [1]
Request Maps / In need of a map~
« on: December 15, 2016, 02:55:17 pm »
~Waves~ Hello ;D I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make a map for my group and I. We are a recording group so the map would be featured in our videos, I can give credit for the map in each video as well. We'd like to have our own private map so we don't bother anyone or vice versa. The map would be about half city and half forest. The size would be medium to large depending on what the map maker is willing to do. If anyone is interested in helping us out it would be greatly appreciated and I'll be glad to give out more details ^^

Game Help / Map Objects Not Showing
« on: October 03, 2016, 02:51:49 am »
I recently started making maps and added some new textures and meshes to use. They show up just fine in Map Maker but when I go into FeralHeart some of the objects are missing. I heard that going into Object Maker and changing the mesh's group name will fix this but I can't figure out how to change the name of the group and I don't really want to move everything into a new group and then have to replace all of it in the map. Anyone know what to do?

Request Maps / Fantasy map needed. (Closed)
« on: September 15, 2016, 09:10:03 pm »
First of all I'm completely new the FH forum so I hope I'm putting this in the right category xD. Back in May some others and I starting creating a mythical themed rp and we were able to find a map maker. However it's been 4 months since the map was started and I asked the maker about the map about 2 weeks ago but have not gotten a reply yet so I'm getting kind of anxious. I'm not sure if they're still working on the map or not so I decided to look around and see if anyone else can make one for us just in case. It will be a bit of a challenge since we're looking for the map(s) to have detail but not so much that it will make players lag. It will be a map pack with 7 maps. However we don't need huge maps so we want them to be medium in size except for one which can be small. We have the maps planned out of what we want in them already. If anyone is willing to help out it would be greatly appreciated and I'd be glad to go more into detail about the maps.

(Found a map maker willing to help! :T Just can't figure out how to delete this atm.)

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